Anonymous ID: 9c9680 April 12, 2019, 12:54 p.m. No.6153461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3471


Oh,,,I'm looking at my crystal ball and yes, it says here that the Muslim Congresspersons have not looked a gift horse in the mouth and haven't been thankful for being in America & NOT in some Islamic Nation where if they said what they are saying now they would get lashed.


My crystal ball also says they have abused their American Rights & Liberties and continued to spew hatred against the people of the USA..and won't be here much longer…seems fuzzy at the moment as to whether they will be sent back to the country they are praising or someplace else…

Anonymous ID: 9c9680 April 12, 2019, 1:01 p.m. No.6153570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3643


I have a question…"Give a man a fish or teach/help them to fish"


If a drunk or bum(homeless vet) was to ask for money, would you give him money or go get him something to eat..or/and help him further if you can…


I'm pretty sure you would go further if you could…Let me ask you something directly related…If a country(that is squandering everything that was given them) was asking for money…would you give them money or would you help them further…


How is this for a solution..instead of giving different countries money..Give them help, maybe send them helpers pay them grant money or offset the money given those countries…..Like a FEMA of sorts…start simply give/hire them offset the cost with the countries…you could start with farmland conditioning.that will essentially prepare the land in their own country for farming…help build stores for sales of said fruit, vegetables, etc…products for sale to help their own economy.


I'm under the impression that job was suppose to be the UN's job.but it looks like the UN is just giving the drunk or bum money and not watching what they are spending it on…this(you)r way would be helping them fish instead of just giving them a fish..maybe most will move back.

Anonymous ID: 9c9680 April 12, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.6153689   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What they are paying off is the Coyotes for bringing them over the border…there is a big slave loan on them to bring them across..but they own them until the big bill is paid off…will they have any money left over…I don't know that answer…but if we were to go over there and personally help them with their produce land..getting to the marker..their country would grow…here is the problem..the coyotes would take it as a personal…something would have to be done with them first..