Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:40 p.m. No.6153242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3256 >>3490

How Rothschild Inc. Saved Donald Trump


A Multi-Decade Strategy to Transform America


Post 2016 Election Update - Trumps New World Order


Donald Trump has been calling the United Nations weak and incompetent while stating that NATO is obsolete. Both are suggestive of a changing world in which the role of the United States will be consolidated within a larger global governance framework. This framework will be structured around the multilateral mandates of a new monetary system and the objectives of the UN’s 2030 Agenda.


In 2005 Trump said “I have to start by saying that I’m a big fan, a very big fan, of the United Nations and all it stands for.” This statement would appear to stand in contrast to the recent campaign announcements in front of an AIPAC crowd in which Trump spoke more truthful. “The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom. It’s not even a friend to the United States of America, where we all know, it has its home. And it surely isn’t a friend to Israel.”


This apparent flip-flop on the United Nations serves as a method of cognitive dissonance, and was promoted by USA Today back in March, ensuring that attention was given to Trumps 2005 statement. The other often reported flip-flops of Donald Trump serve the exact same purpose of cognitive dissonance, and are a constant focus of attention in the mainstream media.


Cognitive dissonance is a psychological methodology where a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors, are manufactured. The internal diametric which develops causes extreme mental and emotional discomfort, which further leads to one of the opposing positions being adjusted for the purpose of restoring cognitive balance.


Cognitive dissonance can exist as a natural process of mental and emotional evolution but is widely used in our culture as a means of socioeconomic engineering and transforming of mass populations. Every time you hear the mainstream media suggest Trump is “flip-flopping” on policies or issues, the concept of intentional cognitive dissonance should come to mind.


In a 1988 interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show Donald Trump was asked about running for president and his words and demeanor on the subject of America are verbatim of how he talks in 2016. The talking points and script where decided almost thirty years ago and draw additional dissonance to the contradictory nature of his past and present comments on the United Nations and other politically charged topics.


I'm still hoping for the 5D double cross of the Rothschild's but this cannot be ignored

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.6153264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3586

Swedish prosecutors say they WILL look at resuming rape investigation into Julian Assange following his embassy eviction


Swedish prosecutors said rape case against Julian Assange could be reopened

Alleged victim's lawyer pushing to reopen rape case which was dropped in 2017

Lawyer Elisabeth Massi Fritz says she will 'do all we can' to carry on investigation

Julian Assange arrested by British police today after Ecuador withdrew asylum

Alleged victim in separate sex assault case said he should not be sent to the US


Swedish prosecutors say the rape investigation against Julian Assange could resume following his eviction from the Ecuadorian embassy today.


The rape case against the WikiLeaks founder was dropped in 2017, but the alleged victim's lawyer said she will 'do all we can' to reopen the investigation.


The Swedish prosecutors office confirmed today that they will look into resuming the rape investigation and it will be handled by prosecutor Mikael Björk in Gothenburg.


Investigators said the statute of limitations on the rape case has not yet passed and in Assange's can be reopened at any point until mid-August next year.


Prosecutors said today they will now 'examine the case in order to determine how to proceed' and could reopen the file after his arrest in London.


Deputy Director of Public Prosecution, Eva-Marie Persson said: 'The investigation has not yet been resumed, and we do not know today whether it will be.


'Furthermore, we cannot set a timetable for when any such decision will be made. A preliminary investigation can be resumed as long as the suspected crime is not subject to statute of limitation.



Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.6153299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3442 >>3502 >>3535

Here Are The Never-Before-Seen US Government Damage Reports Made In The WikiLeaks Aftermath


The Department of Defense authorized several damage assessment reports after WikiLeaks released its massive cache of classified documents, and BuzzFeed News can reveal some of their contents for the first time.

The heavily redacted reports cover a roughly three-year time span. BuzzFeed News obtained more than 300 pages in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

One PowerPoint presentation showed the US government closely monitored media reports about WikiLeaks and even studied where WikiLeaks was googled the most in the US: Washington, DC.

Another report concluded that “lives of cooperating Afghans, Iraqis, and other foreign interlocutors have been placed at increased risk” as a result of the leaks.


Over a span of years, WikiLeaks released State Department cables, Iraq war logs, top secret files on Guantanamo detainees, and a video depicting the US military killing Iraqi civilians and Reuters journalists from an Apache helicopter — all records leaked to the organization by former Army private Chelsea Manning.

On Thursday, the Justice Department unsealed an indictment against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange associated with the leaks, accusing him of conspiring with Manning to hack government computers in an attempt to pry loose additional documents.

Manning, a whistleblower who was convicted of Espionage Act violations and served seven years in a military prison, has been incarcerated in a Washington, DC, jail for the past month for refusing to testify about WikiLeaks before a grand jury.

WikiLeaks’ disclosures, which were published by dozens of news outlets around the world, laid bare how US military and intelligence agencies carried out its war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan and the treatment of detainees it captured.

According to the documents obtained by BuzzFeed News, the leaks were highly embarrassing to the US government and endangered the lives of foreign sources who provided the US with intelligence related to the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere.

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.6153314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3356 >>3628 >>3843 >>3875 >>3922

California issued fake IDs to 3 million “residents”


How many of them are illegals?


More than 3 million Californians who obtained new identification cards to comply with a federal mandate might have to return to the Department of Motor Vehicles because the state did not adhere to Homeland Security guidelines when it developed the program.


The Department of Homeland Security on Monday sent Gov. Gavin Newsom a letter notifying him that the DMV failed to require Californians to provide adequate verification of their residences when they sought so-called Real ID cards.


The letter says that Californians with Real ID cards must provide more information to the DMV.


The DMV said in a statement that 3.4 million Californians had obtained Real ID licenses, and the department plans to contact them.


It has a plan for Californians to comply with the Homeland Security requirements simply by returning a letter from the DMV by mail. They also could visit a field office, or check in online.


That returned letter would represent a second proof of residency, which the DMV says would fulfill federal guidelines.

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.6153324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3468 >>3628 >>3843 >>3875 >>3922

Swedish Programmer With Ties To Wikileaks Arrested In Ecuador


A Swedish programmer with purported ties to Wikileaks has been arrested at a Quito airport while trying to board a flight to Japan, as the government of President Lenin Moreno cracks down on the organization founded by Assange, part of its efforts to discredit the organization that recently exposed Moreno for his involvement in a corruption scandal involving offshore accounts.


According to the Associated Press, the individual has been identified as Ola Blini, who described himself in a blog post as a software developer working in Quito for the Center for Digital Autonomy, a group based in Ecuador and Spain involved advocacy related to digital security and privacy.


Before his arrest, Blini noted on his twitter account that María Paula Romo, the Ecuadorian minister of the interior, had announced that there were Russian hackers living in Ecuador and that the government was planning to apprehend them.


To justify the arrest, Romo alleged that the individual or individuals in question had sought to destabilize the government of President Lenin Moreno and that they would be arrested to disrupt what she called a "blackmail ring."


In a series of tweets published shortly before he was arrested, Blini said Romo's description sounded "like a witch hunt."


María Paula Romo, Ecuador Minister of the Interior, this morning held a press conference, claiming there are Russian hackers in Ecuador, and also that there is one person part of WikiLeaks living in Ecuador since several years.

— Ola Bini (@olabini) April 11, 2019


She further said this information soon will be handed over to the Fiscalía for potential prosecution. Very worrisome news - this seems like a witch hunt to me.

— Ola Bini (@olabini) April 11, 2019


Afterward, Romo said the individual believed to be Blini "has been detained simply for investigation purposes," she said, adding that he had taken foreign trips with former Ecuadorean foreign minister Ricardo Patino, who gave political asylum to Assange in 2012.


"We have sufficient evidence that he was collaborating in attempts to destabilize the government," Romo insisted.


Blini had retweeted tweets about the arrest of Assange earlier in the day and had apparently been following the situation. Assange was arrested inside the Ecuadorian embassy where he had been hiding under asylum protection for seven years after Ecuador revoked his asylum and cancelled his citizenship.


Vijay Prashad, who runs a Marxist publishing house based in India and told the AP that he was a "close friend" of Bini, said Bini is "the last person who would ever be involved in an attempt overthrow a government."


Prashad said he saw Bini a few months ago in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and that he didn't know whether Bini was involved with Wikileaks or Assange - though he said he believed Bini's work as a privacy advocate was being unfairly equated with Wikileaks and Assange.

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:49 p.m. No.6153376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3628 >>3843 >>3875 >>3922

Facebook Removes Page of Ecuador's Former President on Same Day as Assange's Arrest


Facebook has unpublished the page of Ecuador’s former president, Rafael Correa, the social media giant confirmed on Thursday, claiming that the popular leftist leader violated the company’s security policies.


In a statement republished by Ecuadorean newspaper El Comercio, a company spokesperson said:


“Protecting the privacy and security of people is central to Facebook [and] we have clear policies that do not allow the disclosure of personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, bank account data, cards, or any record or data that could compromise the integrity physical or financial of the people in our community.”


The move comes on the same day that Ecuador’s government allowed British security personnel to enter their embassy in London to arrest journalist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been sought by U.S. officials for years due to his role in releasing scandalous information implicating Washington in a range of crimes, including war crimes.


#AlertaDigitalEC Página en Facebook del exPresidente @MashiRafael no puede ser accesada, se desconocen motivos – link


— 𝓤𝓼𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼 𝓓𝓲𝓰𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓼 (@usuariosdigital) April 12, 2019


Assange, 47, had been living at the Embassy of Ecuador in London since 2012, when then-President Correa granted political asylum to the Australian amid the British government’s attempts to detain him. At the time, Correa called Eduador’s actions an act of sovereign “duty.”


Ecuador’s current leader, Lenin Moreno, was openly opposed to Assange, whom he referred to on various occasions as a “miserable hacker,” an “irritant,” and a “stone in the shoe” of his government. Moreno’s distancing from the asylee came following a 2017 meeting with Trump campaign confidant and political “fixer” Paul Manafort, where the two discussed Ecuador’s handover of Assange to U.K. and U.S. authorities.


In March, WikiLeaks published a tranche of documents dubbed the INA Papers linking President Lenin Moreno to the INA Investment Corporation, an offshore shell company used by Moreno to procure furniture, property, and various luxury items.


The account number for the offshore account allegedly used by the president to launder money was shared across Ecuadorean social networks by netizens of all political stripes, including by Correa – who had about 1.5 million followers and whose Facebook page enjoyed more interactions and attention than that of President Moreno himself.


The account number was also shared alongside personal photos of President Moreno enjoying lavish breakfasts and dinners of lobster—imagery considered especially damning for the people of Ecuador given Moreno’s previous boasting of an austere poverty diet consisting of eggs and white rice.

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.6153413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3628 >>3843 >>3875 >>3922

There is No Constitutional Difference Between WikiLeaks and The New York Times


There is no constitutional difference between WikiLeaks and The New York Times, according to famed lawyer, constitutional law scholar, and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz.


Writing for The Hill, Dershowitz explained that “if the New York Times, in 1971, could lawfully publish the Pentagon Papers knowing they included classified documents stolen by Rand Corporation military analyst Daniel Ellsberg from our federal government, then indeed WikiLeaks was entitled, under the First Amendment, to publish classified material that Assange knew was stolen by former United States Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning from our federal government.”


Dershowitz argued that if Julian Assange is charged with espionage or any other crime for merely publishing the Manning material, this would be another Pentagon Papers case with the same likely outcome. He explained that while the government may attempt to make a case that the New York Times is “more responsible” with their publications than WikiLeaks, the constitution does not distinguish between degrees of responsibility. He noted that political pamphleteers Thomas Paine or James Callender were not considered responsible publishers during their time.


The scholar also noted that the case against the publisher is factually weak — claiming that he had offered to help Chelsea Manning crack a password, but that he did not have any luck.


“Not the strongest set of facts here!” Dershowitz wrote.


Assange was arrested on April 11th after spending nearly seven years with asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno had plotted to remove him from the embassy in exchange for an IMF loan — essentially selling the political refugee.

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.6153469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Unsourced TV report: Likud, Blue and White, Liberman ‘unity government’ possible


Israel’s Channel 12 claims ‘readiness’ for the idea in all three parties; Lapid immediately reiterates he is ‘personally opposed’ to coalition with Netanyahu


Despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s declared intention to establish a right-wing government following his fifth election victory, an Israeli TV report claimed Friday there was “a readiness” by his Likud party, the defeated rival Blue and White party and Avigdor Liberman’s small Yisrael Beytenu to instead consider a more moderate “unity government.”


“There is a three-sided readiness” for “a real unity government,” Channel 12 TV’s political analyst Amnon Abramovich claimed, setting out what he said were terms that Blue and White No.2 Yair Lapid has prepared for discussion with Liberman as the first stage of negotiation over the idea. Lapid and Liberman both flew to Vienna in the aftermath of the elections, sparking speculation that they would be meeting there, but this was denied by a Yisrael Beytenu MK on Thursday.


Lapid himself responded to the TV report by saying he is “personally opposed to sitting in a government with Netanyahu.”


In his victory speech in the early hours of Wednesday morning, Netanyahu, whose Likud won 36 seats in the Tuesday elections, specified that while he would aim to serve as the prime minister of all Israelis, “right and left, Jewish and non-Jewish,” he would put together a right-wing government. Knesset arithmetic indicates that he can do so — his 36-strong Likud, plus the 15 MKs from the ultra-Orthodox Shas and United Torah Judaism parties, plus five from the Union of Right-Wing Parties, four from Kulanu and five from Yisrael Beytenu would give him 65 seats in the 120-member parliament.

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.6153508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3628 >>3843 >>3875 >>3922

Wherever Putin Goes, GPS Stops Working. Report Tracking Russian GPS Spoofing Activity Reveals


Wherever Russian President Vladimir Putin goes, GPS stops working properly, a study published by C4ADS (formerly the Center for Advanced Defense Studies), named “Above us only stars” concludes.


C4ADS as per its description is a “nonprofit organization dedicated to providing data-driven analysis and evidence-based reporting on global conflict and transnational security issues.” Its board of directors is primarily individuals connected to the US military, Congress, while some are distinguished scientists in their fields.


The report is powered by “Palantir,” the company that “knows everything about you”:


“Founded in 2004 by Peter Thiel and some fellow PayPal alumni, Palantir cut its teeth working for the Pentagon and the CIA in Afghanistan and Iraq. The company’s engineers and products don’t do any spying themselves; they’re more like a spy’s brain, collecting and analyzing information that’s fed in from the hands, eyes, nose, and ears.”


The analysis looks at GPS and GNSS spoofing and jamming by Russia, mostly wherever Putin goes. It is also used around sensitive sites around Russia, “its occupied territories,” and Syria.


The report begins with the observation: GPS and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are used in everything from cellular communication networks, to basic consumer goods, high-end military systems, and stock trading inputs.


“But these systems are vulnerable: by attacking positioning, navigational, and timing (PNT) data through electronic warfare (EW) capabilities, state and non-state actors can cause significant damage to modern militaries, major economies, and everyday consumers alike. With recent technological advances, the tools and methodologies for conducting this interference are now at a high risk for proliferation. GNSS attacks are emerging as a viable, disruptive strategic threat.”


By using publicly available data, C4ADS carried out a research by using publicly available data. It discerned the ability to mimic, or “spoof,” legitimate GNSS signals in order to manipulate PNT data.


According to the research spoofing is quite actively used in Russia, Crimea and Syria, and this in turn demonstrates that Russia is growing a comparative advantage in the targeted use and development of GNSS spoofing capabilities to achieve tactical and strategic objectives at home and abroad.


The research is separated into four sections looking into different cases of Russian state activity based on locations and the systems that were allegedly used:


In Section One – activity of GNSS spoofing is examined across Russia, “its occupied territories,” and overseas military facilities. In total 9,883 suspected instances across 10 locations that affected 1,311 civilian vessel navigation systems since February 2016 were identified.

In Section Two – the role of GNSS spoofing in VIP protection, mostly Vladimir Putin, but also others. According to the report, the Russian Federal Service (FSO) operates mobile systems to facilitate the activity. Review of Russian procurement data also even provided a possible mobile system that was manufactured by a company connected to the FSO.

In Section Three – the role of GNSS for strategic protection is looked into. Potential technology was used for facility protection in Moscow. Spoofing was also used in coastal regions of Russia and Crimea in the Black Sea. One of the sites is a “multi-million dollar ‘palace’ formerly owned by reported family members of senior FSO officers and previously reported to be built for President Putin.”

In Section Four – finally, Russian spoofing activity is looked into in active combat zones where Russia is present, Syria in particular.


Furthermore, according to the report, Russia has a clear advantage currently, but the low cost, commercial availability, and ease of deployment of these technologies will empower not only states, but also insurgents, terrorists, and criminals in a wide range of destabilizing state-sponsored and non-state illicit networks.



Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 12:59 p.m. No.6153531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3573 >>3628 >>3631 >>3843 >>3875 >>3922

Elizabeth Warren Wants To End "Beyond A Resonable Doubt" For Criminal Convictions


Each Friday we highlight a number of important, and often bizarre stories from around the world that my team and I are closely following:

Elizabeth Warren wants to destroy centuries of legal standards


To take your freedom requires more evidence than to take your money. For now.


Criminal convictions depend on the accused being guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. Civil convictions depend only on a preponderance of evidence pointing to guilt.


But Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced a bill last week to apply criminal penalties to corporate executives found civilly liable for company misconduct.


And these criminal penalties would apply regardless of intent. Failure to stop a crime would be considered a crime itself, whether you knew about it or not.


The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is speaking out against the proposed law, calling it a dangerous attempt to abandon “core principles of criminal law that have been part of the Anglo-American legal tradition for centuries.”


As a former Harvard Law Professor, Warren must understand the implications of this bill. And that makes her a very scary candidate to occupy the oval office.


But what else would we expect from this crop of rising Bolsheviks? Revolutions can’t abide by stale old ideas like rule of law.

Philadelphia becomes the first major US city to ban cashless stores


Two weeks ago we talked about a San Francisco politician trying to require all stores in the city to hire cashiers and accept cash.


Now Philadelphia has beat them to the punch. It is the first major US city to outlaw the coming innovation of cash/cashierless stores, like Amazon Go.


The excuse, of course, is that people without access to credit cards or bank accounts won’t be able to use those cashless stores.


Seems like it would be a lot easier for those people to continue going to the same stores where they are currently shopping, and allow other consumers who prefer to shop at Amazon Go to make their own decisions.


But no. Politicians’ zeal to stick it to Amazon outweighs everything else… so they choose instead to outlaw innovation at the expense of consumers.


Another victory for the Bolsheviks!

Genealogy companies go all in for the Federal Government


Two months ago, Family Tree DNA shared a database full of private customer DNA data with the federal government.


After a backlash from customers, the company changed their rules to allow people to opt out of sharing their DNA with law enforcement.


But now Family Tree DNA is preparing an advertising offensive called “Families Want Answers,” in an attempt to convince customers it is their “moral responsibility” to share their DNA with law enforcement.


The surveillance state continues to be built in the private sector, by willing participants.

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 1 p.m. No.6153556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3591 >>3628 >>3698 >>3843 >>3875 >>3922 >>3940

France Willing to Consider Offering Julian Assange Asylum to Prevent US Extradition


France is willing to consider offering WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange asylum if he requests it from them.


When asked about Julian Assange during a local radio program, France’s Secretary of State for European affairs, Amelie de Montchalin, said “we should listen to what he wants to do.”


However, she added that “we don’t offer asylum to someone who’s not asking for it.”


Assange’s French lawyer, Juan Branco, has asked President Emmanuel Macron to bring the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize nominated publisher to France to avoid extradition, according to a report from the New York Post.


The Ecuadorian government allowed UK authorities to enter their embassy and arrest Assange after revoking his asylum in exchange for a hefty IMF loan.


Assange had been living in the embassy since 2012 when when he was granted asylum. A week before, WikiLeaks had tweeted that a “high-level” source within the Ecuadorian state had informed the publisher that he will be expelled “within hours to days” using the INA papers offshore scandal as an excuse.

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.6153601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3627 >>3782

5G Roll-out Facing $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit





— Longtime Personal Injury Attorney & Environmental Advocate


“Let’s see them square off with a phalanx of personal injury attorneys and cadre of environmental lawyers who will be marshalling through a $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit.”


That Big Telcom in tandem with government officials really thought they could get way with the 5G roll-out is the greatest example of raw hubris and unfettered arrogance ever displayed in broad daylight.


Truly, that the vested corporate interests along with their enabling governmental representatives attempted to arrogate such sweeping powers unto themselves reflects an extraordinary level of endemic corruption and serial criminality.


The chutzpah and recklessness and audacity and insanity associated with the ongoing nationwide roll-out of 5G exceeds anything ever seen in the history of the United States of America.



(Source: 5G ROLL-OUT: An Ongoing National Emergency that Requires an Immediate Shutdown by the American People)


Of course, the biggest concern about what is essentially a military deployment of 5G is that it represents “The Greatest Public Health Disaster in US History“.

A Clear Violation of Everything


Lest the reader wonder exactly what the legitimate legal basis is for this $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit being filed to terminate 5G, please consider the following indisputable points of fact.


The very essence of the 5G roll-out, as well as the manner in which 5G is currently being deployed across the USA, are patently illegal, unlawful and illicit according to many generally accepted legal principles and standards.


This extremely dangerous interstate deployment of 5G is being conducted in such a way that it clearly violates the U.S. Constitution as well as various federal laws, state statutes, county codes and city ordinances. Such an inherently harmful power grid also transgresses international law, natural law, universal law, divine law and scriptural law.

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.6153644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Every Points to Julian Assange’s Accuser Being a CIA-Directed Liar


Why I am Convinced that Anna Ardin is a Liar 1995


I am slightly updating and reposting this from 2012 because the mainstream media have ensured very few people know the detail of the “case” against Julian Assange in Sweden. The UN Working Group ruled that Assange ought never to have been arrested in the UK in the first place because there is no case, and no genuine investigation. Read this and you will know why.


The other thing not widely understood is there is NO JURY in a rape trial in Sweden and it is a SECRET TRIAL. All of the evidence, all of the witnesses, are heard in secret. No public, no jury, no media. The only public part is the charging and the verdict. There is a judge and two advisers directly appointed by political parties. So you never would get to understand how plainly the case is a stitch-up. Unless you read this.


There are so many inconsistencies in Anna Ardin’s accusation of sexual assault against Julian Assange. But the key question which leaps out at me – and which strangely I have not seen asked anywhere else – is this:


Why did Anna Ardin not warn Sofia Wilen?


On 16 August, Julian Assange had sex with Sofia Wilen. Sofia had become known in the Swedish group around Assange for the shocking pink cashmere sweater she had worn in the front row of Assange’s press conference. Anna Ardin knew Assange was planning to have sex with Sofia Wilen. On 17 August, Ardin texted a friend who was looking for Assange:


“He’s not here. He’s planned to have sex with the cashmere girl every evening, but not made it. Maybe he finally found time yesterday?”


Yet Ardin later testified that just three days earlier, on 13 August, she had been sexually assaulted by Assange; an assault so serious she was willing to try (with great success) to ruin Julian Assange’s entire life. She was also to state that this assault involved enforced unprotected sex and she was concerned about HIV.


If Ardin really believed that on 13 August Assange had forced unprotected sex on her and this could have transmitted HIV, why did she make no attempt to warn Sofia Wilen that Wilen was in danger of her life? And why was Ardin discussing with Assange his desire for sex with Wilen, and texting about it to friends, with no evident disapproval or discouragement?


Ardin had Wilen’s contact details and indeed had organised her registration for the press conference. She could have warned her. But she didn’t.


Let us fit that into a very brief survey of the whole Ardin/Assange relationship. .

Anonymous ID: d683d0 April 12, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.6153695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lieberman: Destroy Hamas or I destroy Netanyahu government


Lieberman: It's me or Hamas