Anonymous ID: e15430 April 12, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.6153687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3699 >>3808

This is endgame, right?

>Obama WH counsel indicted for lying to FBI

>thread pulled, unravels to Obama himself

>JA extradited to the USA under the guise of a conspiracy arrest, no insurance files

>JA knows who really leaked the DNC's files

>testimony in court that Russia was not the source of the leaks, possible confirmation of Seth Rich being the source

B-but Assange never identifies so-

>bullshit, he's already confirmed SR was the source of the leaks, just nonverbally

>Barr saying flat-out that the Trump campaign was spied on, media having to cover it

>POTUS flat-out saying that this was an attempted coup

>Avenatti facing over 300 years in prison

>media/swamp panicking and insisting that bygones be bygones after actively trying to commit treason and remove a sitting president illegally

>foreign intel implicated

This is it. Now we get to see turnabout. If you thought Traitor 44 was untouchable, buckle up. The first of the threads that run back to him have already been pulled. Now say it with me:




Anonymous ID: e15430 April 12, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.6153808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3870


Bear in mind:

>they tried to murder him multiple times

>whidbey island missile launch, the white powder, multiple gunmen, the motorcade incident, the incident with the heli and Macron, the NUKE, etc.

>they accused him of treason, the penalty for which is death or not less than 5 years in prison

>they flooded the media with incitements to violence against him

>Julius Caesar as Trump, Trump's severed head, shooting effigies of Trump, etc.

>they targeted his family

>they threatened to railroad his son and his namesake

>they threatened to lock his little boy in a cage with pedophiles

>they slandered his wife and his daughter

>and make no mistake, they have threatened to murder his children, and they have threatened worse against his family should he be removed

>they conspired with foreign agents not only to spy on him, but to shoot down Marine 1

You honestly think he's gonna let bygones be bygones? Preserve the dignity of the office of the presidency, according to their own twisted terms? You honestly think he'll let this stand?

>"I ALWAYS get revenge."

RBG's funeral is probably their last and final card. And then…

Anonymous ID: e15430 April 12, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.6153913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3962


>"So this part of the leaked intel came from Manning?"

>"Yes, your honor."

>"What about this part? The DNC files?"

>"Those did not come from Manning."

>"And who was the source for these leaks, then?"

>"His name was Seth Rich."