Anonymous ID: 2e7dc9 April 12, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.6154554   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Have all voluntary archived guest logs from 2009 through 2014 from Headers as follows


UIN - Appointment Number


BDG NBR – Badge Number


Access Type - Type of access to the complex (VA = Visitor Access)


TOA – Time of Arrival


POA – Post of Arrival


TOD – Time of Departure


POD – Post of Departure


APPT_MADE_DATE – Date the Appointment was made.


APPT_START_DATE – Date and time for which the appointment was scheduled


APPT_END_DATE – Date and time for which the appointment was scheduled to end


APPT_CANCEL_DATE – Date the appointment was canceled, if applicable


Total_People- The total number of people scheduled for a particular appointment per requestor


LAST_UPDATEDBY – Identifier of officer that updated record


POST – Computer used to enter appointment


LastEntryDate – Most recent update to appointment


TERMINAL_SUFFIX - Identifier of officer that entered appointment


visitee_namelast – Last name of the visitee


visitee_namefirst – First name of the visitee


MEETING_LOC – Building in which meeting was scheduled


MEETING_ROOM – Room in which meeting was scheduled


CALLER_NAME_LAST – Last name of the individual that submitted the WAVES request


CALLER_NAME_FIRST – First name of the individual that submitted the WAVES request


CALLER_ROOM – Room from which the appointment was made


Description – Comments added by the WAVES requestor