Anonymous ID: 3bd8ee April 12, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6154192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4311 >>4346 >>4472 >>4482

Good afternoon frens. I wanted to repost this info from NOTABLES over the last 30 hours or so. I believe the info is more important than many of us realize.




SES=Senior Executive Service

Approx 7100 members embedded in 75 departments of Govt.

SES are all Deep State

That means approx. 94 Deep State useful idiots have a stranglehold on each dept. of govt.

Cannot be fired.

Their job is to ensure continuity of Deep State Plan regardless of who controls House, Senate and White House.

They ignore, obfuscate, block, and tie up all attempts to change govt for the benefit of citizens and the country.

The SES is THE reason why things NEVER change for the better regardless of who is in power.


If POTUS succeeds in eliminating the OPM he will have power to fire ALL of these traitors.


These two past NOTABLES tie together and we need to watch how this progresses.


>>6148953 WOW: Trump Takes Hammer To Big Government, Will ELIMINATE A Major Federal Department


>>6136854 Lawfag: Unseen and unreported habbenings in the war against the admin. state