Anonymous ID: 406ddb April 12, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6154249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Great point. Is it because one of the CS founders used to head the cyber division in Mueller's FBI?

Anonymous ID: 406ddb April 12, 2019, 2 p.m. No.6154504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6151280 pb

>Comey said Thursday at a Hewlett Foundation event near San Francisco.

>>6150948 pb

>Trump Jr. twat: CNN covering owls instead of real news.

Comey's back in NoCal and Don Jr's twatting about owls on CNN?

>So many questions.

With assets of approximately $10 billion, Hewlett is one of the wealthiest grant makers in the United States.

The Hewlett Foundation has given major financial support to Planned Parenthood and the International Planned Parenthood Federation.