Anonymous ID: 4f1cdf April 12, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.6154105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4160 >>4193

Today this anon drove through a US Border Patrol checkpoint located about 75 miles north of the Mexican border. It's a big facility on a busy highway that starts near the Mexican Border and leads into the parts up north into the US. Every Northbound car and truck has to pull off the highway, and the agents do a quick check with the driver. They ask if you are a US citizen and give the vehicle a quick look-see through the windows, looking for human cargo most likely.


There are usually some drug sniffing canines on duty, standing at attention nearby. It's usually just a quick wave and hello. I've driven through that checkpoint at least 100 times over the last 20 years.


Well, I was driving through that area today and the pullout to the inspection station was closed and nobody was around at all. I've never seen that before.


I immediately got on my phone and called the Border Patrol office in the nearest city to ask someone what was going on, even though I could already guess. The two individuals I spoke with were courteous and professional, but they sounded discouraged and and frustrated. They explained that the inspection station has been closed for the last 3 weeks because they just don't have the resources or manpower to operate it with all the activities going on right now down closer to the border.


Drug smugglers and traffickers can cross the Border just about anywhere, and they mostly avoid the points of entry. Once across the border, they just get on a highway and drive north, just like they were anybody else. There's not many other major routes heading north in this area. That's the reason for this inspection station being where it is.


I told the two Border Agencts, separately, that there were a lot of us out here who were watching the situation closely, and that we knew how difficult their situation was, and that that had our full support. They both said they appreciated that. I told them I would share what I saw with everyone I know, so here it is.


This is a great and beautiful part of the country to live in, one of the most unique places you'll ever find. But everyone whose been here for a while is getting pretty sick and tired of seeing and hearing about all these nasty things that happen because of the criminal invasion happening at our border. This should never have happened in the USA. You can thank our congress and the previous administration for leaving our country wide open to drug smugglers and human traffickers. I'm mad as hell about this.

Anonymous ID: 4f1cdf April 12, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6154583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4617

John Legend and John Kerry are eminently qualified to pronounce with absolute certainty that man's activities have resulted in planetary climate change as a scientific fact.


Whereas, a MIT graduate with a masters degree in engineering hasn't studied the issue in enough detail and is "dumb."


Google search working together with the DS Media to continue their attempts at gaslighting everyone on the entire planet. (does gaslighting contribute to global warming?)

Anonymous ID: 4f1cdf April 12, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.6154735   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If you want to live in a country that values free speech, you have to allow the fucknutz to try and sell their insanity. It's annoying, but it always leads to them publicly destroy themselves (see Avanetti).