Anonymous ID: 6c3053 April 12, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6154600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4675



Who is backing Pete and what will they expect from him?


“If Americans have it and it is good, George Soros will destroy it.

This monster has become a one-man wrecking crew of anything that represents morality or conservatism- everything from Capitalism to Catholicism to the Tea Party movement.”


“Strangely enough, he’s done it all with money, the very entity that he wants to steal from the rest of us. Far Left liberals like Soros tell us that money is “Greed”, success is overrated, and wealth must be redistributed. Instead of using his wealth to pay off the government debt or house the homeless, Soros prefers to use his wealth to destroy our freedom, our way of life.”


“When Soros bought Kerry, and is currently buying Hillary Clinton, massively investing in their campaign budgets, or gives money to the US Democratic party, it is not considered corruption as well as dark schemes that liberal politicians use worldwide.”


“Soros has a vast network of financial and social intelligence that is equal to the CIA and even more insidious because the espionage and subversion drives his economic terrorism that has vampirized nations and driven millions into poverty for ONE MAN’S SICK, INHUMAN DESIRE TO RULE THE WORLD.”


“George Soros is an evil man. He's anti-God, anti-family, anti-American, and anti-good." He killed and robbed his own Jewish people. What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopath's lack of conscience. He considers himself to be an elitist world class philosopher, despises the American way, and just loves to do social engineering and change cultures.”


“The biggest threat to religious liberty for Christians in America isn’t terrorists from ISIS. Nor Islamists in Congress like Rep. Ilhan Omar. Or international secularists like George Soros. Nor even the hit men and women of Planned Parenthood. No, the real enemy we must look out for is something much subtler. What will kill us, if anything does, will taste like clover honey, not cider vinegar. It will carry a sinister sweetness, like a pool of tasty antifreeze that poisons hapless cats. It will smile at us, and praise almost all our “values.” It will quote soothing snippets of scripture. In fact, it will appear as a mild angel of light.”


“It will look and sound a lot like Mayor Peter Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana.”