Anonymous ID: 5921bd April 12, 2019, 4:10 p.m. No.6156148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump wants to send illegal aliens to sanctuary states. Sanctuary cities can’t even take care of their existing citizens. California and Washington cities have become massive homeless camps where drugs are running rampant throughout the city. Crime is out of control. Police are unable to do anything …if they make arrest they are just set free the next day. Garbage and people shitting and pissing in the streets is now a public health hazard. Seattle at one time was a very beautiful city. Now its has become a disgusting ghetto. Seattle even has locations for heroin addicts to go and shoot up in private. Trump is brilliant! The people in these cities are fed up with the government. They definitely don't want illegals coming into these cities to compound the overhead of existing problems.

Oh and guess what, Jay Inslee the idiot Governor of Washington State is running for president. What a fucking joke! He spends more time bashing Trump rather than helping his own citizens and finding solutions. Just as all of the other Dimocraps.

Please pass the popcorn!! This part is going to be funny. I do love watching Q and Batman surgically tear down these morons. These people are stupid! We will never forget their actions! Game on Anons.