Anonymous ID: b0b5ae April 12, 2019, 3:52 p.m. No.6155982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6012 >>6030 >>6046 >>6079 >>6117 >>6283

Trump goes after Ilhan Omar with dramatic video using 9/11 footage


President Trump Friday tweeted out a jarring video juxtaposing remarks last month by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., which some charged minimized the 9/11 tragedy, with archival footage of the destruction of the World Trade Center. Writing "WE WILL NEVER FORGET," Trump tweeted a video that repeatedly displays Omar's reference to the terrorists as "some people" and then cuts to planes crashing into the buildings and the towers tumbling to the ground. WE WILL NEVER FORGET!


Omar was speaking to the Muslim advocacy group CAIR. She said: "CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties." Controversy ensued after Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, tweeted out the remarks earlier this week. Others have defended Omar, saying her remarks were taken out of context and that she was not intending to diminish the attack.


Ilhan Omar mentions 9/11 and does not consider it a terrorist attack on the USA by terrorists, instead she refers to it as “Some people did something”, then she goes on to justify the establishment of a terrorist organization (CAIR) on US soil.— Imam Mohamad Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) April 9, 2019


It is not clear who put together the video Trump tweeted. The images on the video are searing. Trump apparently plans to keep the tweet up for some time, having pinned it to the top of his Twitter feed.

Anonymous ID: b0b5ae April 12, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.6156036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agreed, we already knew where her loyalties where from day 1, and they are not for the ALL American people she represents, in her jurisdiction. Not by a long shot.

Anonymous ID: b0b5ae April 12, 2019, 4:22 p.m. No.6156280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6289 >>6320 >>6331

Cummings to subpoena accounting firm for Trump financial records


Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., announced Friday he intends to issue a subpoena for 10 years of President Trump's financial records. According to a memo the House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman shared with the panel on Friday, he will issue a subpoena to accounting firm Mazars USA for all records the accounting firm has concerning Trump, his revocable trust, the Trump Organization, and other Trump interests. The subpoena also requests the accounting firm provide communications between one of their partners and Trump.


In February, Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen testified before the panel and said Trump exaggerated his assets in financial statements to deceive lenders and investors. Cohen, who is set to serve a three-year sentence for campaign finance crimes and lying to Congress, shared copies of several financial statements from Trump. According to Cummings’ memo, the statements raise grave questions on whether Trump was honest in his financial reporting. “The Committee has full authority to investigate whether the President may have engaged in illegal conduct before and during his tenure in office, to determine whether he has undisclosed conflicts of interest that may impair his ability to make impartial policy decisions, to assess whether he is complying with the Emoluments Clauses of the Constitution, and to review whether he has accurately reported his finances to the Office of Government Ethics and other federal entities,” Cummings wrote in the memo.


Rather than having the committee vote on whether to issue a subpoena, Cummings said he was providing House Oversight Committee ranking member Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, with 48 hours’ notice ahead of issuing the subpoena. Cummings said no vote would be held because the committee will be in recess for two weeks. Jordan characterized Cummings’ actions as “an astonishing abuse of this Committee's authority and a disgraceful departure from the fair and legitimate oversight he promised to the American people just 73 days ago.”


“This unprecedented action is based solely on the testimony of Michael Cohen, a convicted liar,” Jordan said in a statement. “It is now clear why Chairman Cummings refuses to keep his promise to hold Cohen accountable for his lies before our committee: Chairman Cummings will not let the truth get in the way of his obsession with attacking the president and the first family.”


Mazars previously rejected a request to provide the committee with financial documents on Trump and instead said they would only cooperate if they were issued a “friendly subpoena,” according to Cummings.