Anonymous ID: 4f2d08 April 12, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.6156794   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6858


Oh,,,I'm looking at my crystal ball and yes, it says here that the Muslim Congresspersons have not looked a gift horse in the mouth and haven't been thankful for being in America & NOT in some Islamic Nation where if they said what they are saying now they would get lashed.


My crystal ball also says they have abused their American Rights & Liberties and continued to spew hatred against the people of the USA..and won't be here much longer…seems fuzzy at the moment as to whether they will be sent back to the country they are praising or someplace else…

Anonymous ID: 4f2d08 April 12, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.6157213   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7219

OMG!!! AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib are getting death threats.


Hmm..I wonder what would happen if they spewed their NON-American crap in a Muslim country what would happen..hmm


Makes me wonder why they don't talk like that in Muslim countries…and why if they did they would get the shit beaten out of them,,who knows maybe they are just knocking some sense into them?…Did they miss these three???


Maybe if they just shut the fuck up!!! at least until they know what the hell they are talking about..They claim it's the truth but it's their truth, no one else's…more people wouldn't get pissed at them..


What I would like to see is all three:


Stand up during the National Anthem and put their right hand on their heart and sing the Anthem(I'll be willing to bet they don't the words between all three of them).




Say something nice about the USA (not about her country(whatever that country she is referring too)) and the President of the USA…




Take off the underwear on her head and take her oath on the bible(not the koran or anything else)..


Anything less then that,is a hypocrite, non- American, ISIS spy?..a traitor to our country, a FAKE, a PHONY,,sleeper cells???