Anonymous ID: 8b5861 April 12, 2019, 4:45 p.m. No.6156504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6533 >>6849

>>6156373 (PB)

You're replying to me, fren. I know this is a bit long, but skim to the part I wrote about cognitive dissonance, and how important it will be to "wake" people properly.


The Basics of Effective Red Pilling


• Know your biggest competitors:

Apathy (some people genuinely don’t give a shit about politics or even good vs. evil)

Lazy Thinking (Nietzsche was right when he said that "most people go through life trying to avoid any real thoughts")

Short Attention Spans (Learn to ask great opening questions that ENGAGE the other person. For example: "I've been learning of late some rather interesting, but confusing, things about our President. Would you be kind enough to have a look at this with me and give me your perspective?")

Cognitive Dissonance [It's important for you to understand that every living American has been brainwashed--completely--by Project Mockingbird. Every single thing we've ever seen on TV, heard on the radio or read in a newspaper has been a well-scripted lie. When people are faced with evidence (like buildings collapsing in perfect free-fall) that is counter-intuitive to our values and beliefs, we naturally reject them to protect our tenuous view of reality. It took me YEARS to accept the truth of 9/11 due to my military training and a lifetime of believing I was a patriot acting in the best interest of a good gubbermint. Factor in that 9/11 is only one piece of a much larger "jigsaw puzzle" and you will begin gaining empathy for the enormous "wakening" that Normies will soon be facing. It won't be easy for them, so be gentle and patient.]


• Learn how to "play dumb"

• Open the conversation by sincerely complimenting the other person (example: "Joe, you've forgotten more about the Middle East that I'll ever know. I'm really confused about Putin's stance on Syria and why Trump is not getting involved. What are your thoughts on this tricky situation?")

• Ask open-ended questions (they typically start with who, what and how)

• Let the other person be the expert

• Find a topic about which they're already skeptical, then tie that issue to something that's of interest today

• When you sense that they're starting to push back, quickly change the subject back to small talk and wait for a better time


• Embrace the concept that Red Pilling is a process and NOT and event

• No one will have an "Aha!" moment; it's a slow realization that EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER LEARNED OR BELIEVED IS A LIE

• Someone famous and wise (I think Mark Twain) once said, "It's easier to fool someone than it is to get them to admit they've been fooled." If you agree with this, as do I, then it's easier to accept the fact that when someone starts waking up, they will do it in solace, and NOT in the presence of another person. Plant the seeds and let them walk away to nurture them on their own.

• Another Anon suggested that, "Everyone is Red Pilled at least a wee bit about SOMETHING; vaccines, GMO's, lobbyists, insider trading, Building 7, etc.). Find their one area of skepticism first, then slowly work your way out."


I hope these thoughts help some of you salvage relationships with those near and dear to you. In closing, know this: The people closest to us are the last ones WE will be able to Red Pill. We tend to fall into old habits and roles with them (and vice versa), so plant the seeds and let other people take credit for your family and friends waking up.