Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.6156444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6496 >>6673 >>6882 >>7105 >>7192

Elon Musk-Linked Scientists Are Developing Brain Probes for DARPA


Last month a team of scientists affiliated with Elon Musk’s Neuralink project published a paper identifying a new technique for inserting probes into brains. The study was published in a journal called BioRxiv, and according to Bloomberg, all five of its authors have been associated with Nueralink. It was noted at the end of the study that the research was funded through a DARPA Contract.


The team is developing this technique in hopes of building technology that is capable of monitoring brain activity. The study has been deemed “the ‘sewing machine’ for minimally invasive neural recording,” since the technique works sort of like a sewing machine.


“Here, we demonstrate the feasibility and scalability of this approach with a system incorporating fine and flexible thin-film polymer probes, a fine and stiff insertion needle, and a robotic insertion machine. Together the system permits rapid and precise implantation of probes, each individually targeted to avoid observable vasculature and to attain diverse anatomical targets,” the study says.


In the study, researchers implanted arrays of electrodes in the brains of rats and then recorded their responses.


The researchers concluded:


“We have repeatedly and reliably implanted our thin, flexible electrodes in both agarose tissue proxy and the brains of rats.”


An alarming detail of the study is that the procedure was carried out by none other than a robot.


“Because the whole insertion process is automated and the robot can move quickly, per-thread insertion times were quite short. Indeed, other than the needle insertion, which is performed at 0.1-2 mm/s, robot movements are rapid, up to 100 mm/s. This allows for the per-thread insertion cycle times of less than 9 seconds. Such rapid insertion allows for large numbers of electrodes to be inserted in a practical surgical timeframe,” the study indicated.


Those left unsettled by these developments can rest assured, however, that this technology appears quite far from entering the market for human use. The researchers noted that the procedure caused injuries in lab rats and did not seem durable for long term use. Though the research team is reportedly working to perfect the process and will hopefully minimize these dangers over time.

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.6156479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6512 >>6706 >>6882 >>7105 >>7130 >>7192

Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking?


The question on everyone’s mind – are Bill and Hillary Clinton connected to or involved with child sex trafficking or child labor trafficking networks – or, are they advocates for children as they portray themselves to be? Though, the focus is on both Bill and Hillary, this report will primarily break down a timeline of Hillary’s work as it relates to children, in addition to both of their connections with individuals who have been indicted and/or convicted of crimes against children – because they are stacking up. The information that follows will provide facts, for each person to use their own discernment in determining what they believe to be truth, or until further information is revealed.


Human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar industry.

Timeline of Hillary’s Work Specifically Involving Infants & Children:


1970: Worked at Yale Child Study Center, learning about early childhood brain development, and research assistant on the book Beyond the Best Interests of the Child, and handled cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital


1970: Summer – worked on Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor


1971: Met husband Bill, interned at law firm Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein where she worked on child custody and other cases


1973: Postgraduate study on children and medicine at Yale Child Study Center, her article “Children Under the Law” was published in the Harvard Educational Review, staff attorney at Marian Wright Edelman’s Children’s Defense Fund in Cambridge, MA, consultant to Carnegie Council on Children


1977: Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families – a state level alliance with Children’s Defense Fund, and worked pro bono in child advocacy during her work at Rose Law Firm


1979: Published “Children’s Policies: Abandonment and Neglect and “Children’s Rights: A Legal Perspective


1985: Introduced Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth (preparedness & literacy)


1988-92: Children’s Defense Fund Chairman of the Board and on the board of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital’s legal services


1995: Wrote an article on orphaned children that led to the Adoption and Safe Families Act in 1997


1996: Published book “It Takes A Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us


1997: Supported State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and promoted nationwide immunization against childhood diseases; hosted child care conference and early childhood development and learning conferences at White House; initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act which required states to terminate parental rights for children in foster care for 15 out of 22 months and provided funding for efforts in encouraging adoption as well as subsidies for adoptive children up through age 18; By executive memorandum, her husband President Bill Clinton added the “Adoption 2002 Initiative” which aimed to lower barriers to adoption so as to double the rate of adoption by 2002


Part 1

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.6156537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6566 >>6706 >>6766 >>6882 >>7105 >>7192



Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner


Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff when she was secretary of state, and Vice Chair of Hillary’s 2016 Campaign for President, recently completed serving prison time for sexting with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner’s laptop contained 340,000 emails, with a significant amount of them being between Hillary and Huma. On page 294 of the IG report, it states: Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails, Hillary Clinton & Foundation, crime against children.


Part 3

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 4:50 p.m. No.6156566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6589 >>6706 >>6882 >>7105 >>7192



Lauren Salzman Admitted to Enslaving a Woman for 2 Years

In the final days of March 2019, Lauren Salzman quietly pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges, and on April 2nd admitted in court that she had harbored her own personal slave from March 2010 through April 2012, by keeping her imprisoned in a room and threatening her with deportation back to Mexico. She also admitted to being a member of DOS, Raniere’s secret society.


Clare Bronfman Fainted When Finding Out Attorneys Mark Geragos & Michael Avenatti Were Indicted for Extortion of Nike

In the midst of this bombshell, on March 27, 2019 Clare Bronfman fainted in the court room after being asked if she had secretly retained lawyer Michael Avenatti. In a recent indictment, one of Bronfman’s attorneys, Mark Geragos was identified as a co-conspirator with Michael Avenatti to extort $20 million from Nike. Avenatti was arrested just two days before Bronfman’s court appearance. Then, on April 11, 2019, Avenatti was indicted on 36 counts of fraud and embezzlement.


Allison Mack Pleaded Guilty to Racketeering

Fast forward to April 8, 2019 and Smallville actress Allison Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering charges for manipulating women into becoming sex slaves for their leader, Keith Raniere. Her original pending counts on court documents indicated sex trafficking of children by force, fraud or coercion.


How big is NXIVM, and how far is their reach? This is a list of their affiliations, documented in court records.


Part 4

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.6156589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6619 >>6706 >>6882 >>7105 >>7192



The fact is, whether or not it can be proven that John is involved with “Pizzagate,” – pizza, sex, and pedophilia have gone hand-in-hand for many years, it is well-known, and it is well-documented. Heck, Al Vernacchio, a sex education teacher at a Quaker school in Pennsylvania, has been teaching children about pornography and sex, utilizing pizza terms since 1999. In fact, it’s been such a hit, he went on TED to break it all down for everyone in 2012. So for 20 years, pizza/food terms have been used as “sex talk” quite openly, if one does their research. It all makes the “Podesta emails” surrounding food terms and children just a bit more curious.


But hey, if that doesn’t float your boat, you can always stroll on over to the “sexy, Instagram-baiting museum of pizza in NYC” packed with a 29-room funhouse, and promoted with photos of folks strapped up in leather, cuffs, chains, and well – not much else, while tonguing down pizza, or better yet – holding a slice over their genitals. Pizza sex talk indeed. But, nothing to see here. It’s been code for a long time folks. It would take the average person to find sexual connections to pizza throughout Hollywood, used in advertising, promoted through campaigns, and certainly on the dark web – roughly 10 minutes, to draw the conclusion that sex and pizza have been linked together for decades. The only thing that evolved was the label itself – “Pizzagate.”


Therefore, to make the claim that Pizzagate doesn’t exist, with their entire focus being on “Comet Ping Pong,” is illegitimate, ignorant, and irresponsible reporting. They intentionally focus on the label, as opposed to the actual facts that child pedophiles and child sex trafficking has been rampant since the beginning of time, and has gotten progressively worse over the years, especially within the church. Perhaps sticking with the label “Pedogate” makes it harder for them to try to control the narrative. Food for thought.


In addition to Tony’s own collection of disturbing art surrounding children, his manager, as well as artists they bring into their exhibits, are equally disturbing. One such exhibit included artwork by ArtAngel, founded by Roger Took, a convicted pedophile in the worst degree imaginable.


Some refer to Tony as a “provocative artist,” while others find the idea of children being clothless and bound to be incredibly disturbing.


The Podesta brothers are close friends with Marina Ambramovic, a Serbian performance artist and film producer who is best known for her provocative, and to some – disturbing, art exhibitions and spirit cooking parties. Ambramovic’s book “Spirit Cooking with Essential Aphrodisiac Recipes” was released in 1996, utilizing ingredients such as fresh sperm milk, breast milk, and fresh morning urine. The spirit cooking festivities typically include feasting on replicas of full-size bodies with edible ingredients that give the effects of oozing blood and tissue. It seems to be a Hollywood hit.


Part 5

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 4:57 p.m. No.6156619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6643 >>6706 >>6882 >>7105 >>7192



Coincidentally, in May 2009, Amber Ready, Inc., selected the Podesta Group as their agency of record to be their PR company, covering all media relations, and building a campaign to promote Amber Ready’s cell phone technology. The program enables parents to create, store and lock their children’s Alert profiles in parent’s wireless phones so that if a child goes missing, police can transmit the Alert Profiles in minutes via Amber Alert. Then-Principle of the Podesta Group Ed Rothschild, stated “Working with AMBER Ready to help inspire nationwide support for their innovative child safety solution should prove to be very exciting and gratifying.”


A Quick Recap to Wrap This 2009 Group Together


Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) stated that since 2009 they have “placed a particular focus” on combatting human trafficking. The Polaris Project and Free the Slaves are BOTH CGI members. As indicated above under the NXIVM section, members of the Clinton Global Initiative are by invite only, and are required to give minimum donations of $15,000 annually.


Also in 2009, is when the Podesta Group partnered with Amber Ready, Inc., which ultimately creates a database of information on children across the globe, stored in cell phones, which are highly accessible, especially when technology is designed to be accessed.


Finally, Laura Silsby had been planning her trip to Haiti and working on developing her “orphanage” in 2009, eventually making her way to Haiti in January 2010, when she was arrested for trafficking 33 children, and who’s lawyer was extradited on charges of smuggling women and children. Despite all of this, she managed to get a job at a company that works with the Federal Government in direct relation with Amber Alert. Curious.


Bill and Hillary Clinton came to the rescue of Laura Silsby.


Part 6

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 5 p.m. No.6156655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6706 >>6882 >>7105 >>7192



The Verdict


On March 13, 2019, The Washington Post published an article in regard to the transcripts released on former FBI lawyer Lisa Page from the probe into how federal law enforcement agencies conducted the Trump and Clinton investigations. Former FBI counterintelligence officer Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were both assigned to these investigations, were having an affair, and had exchanged numerous bias texts against Donald Trump. Page clarified this by stressing that senior bureau officials were also expressing anti-Clinton animus, and stated “many of us in law enforcement dislike the subject of our investigations. We are not keen on pedophiles and fraudsters and spies and human traffickers. That is fine. What would be impermissible is to take that harsh language and to act in some way that was illegal or against the rules. And we don’t do it.”


The question on everyone’s mind – are Bill and Hillary Clinton child traffickers?


What would be their motive? Money is certainly a driving motivator for the Clintons, and it’s a $150 billion dollar industry. They most definitely have worldwide connections to pull off operations for child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, or slave labor. Does this alone make them guilty? Are they themselves pedophiles like many of their convicted friends, or are they just okay with that behavior? Why is it that they seem to continually surround themselves with corrupt individuals, some even former lawmakers, as well as other sexual predators, and some under question for murder.


Does anything go with the Clintons? Why are they working with Branson, Gates, Soros, Bezos, numerous organizations and foundations, across 26 islands in the Caribbean to build up “tourism” and focus on sustainable infrastructure, such as hotel resorts. Polaris points out that hotels are a venue for traffickers, with 1,434 cases of human trafficking in hotels having been reported back in 2007. Most of the Caribbean islands are either tier 2 or tier 3 for human trafficking.


What It Boils Down To


Option A. They had absolutely no clue that any of these people they spent a great deal amount of time with, both personally and through business, were involved in crimes against children. All of the work they have done for children is about the children, not the money. This is a hard sell given all of the evidence above.


Option B. They turned a blind eye, despite being aware. A highly unlikely option. If anything, the Clintons would use this information to extort those people. And in doing so, would indicate their lack of concern for children, making all of their said causes a lie.


Option C. They created bills, instilled laws, built relationships, worldwide databases, countless initiatives, partnerships, and global hotlines – all with direct access to, and knowledge of, children and their whereabouts. In both politics and business they are known as the procurement specialists, often using this language in their press releases.


The evidence is piling up against the Clintons. It’s becoming more and more difficult to rationalize all of their choices, relationships, and nefarious dealings, away.


There will come a day when the light will brightly shine on all of this, when investigations into the Clintons wrap up, and truth be unveiled. Until then, pray for the children in this world – for this battle we fight day and night – is for them.




Part 8

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.6156938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6979

WATCH Russian special forces clash with ISIS terrorists in Siberian city


Eyewitness footage of the Russian special forces' raid on Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants in the Siberian city of Tyumen shows a house turn into a raging fireball as bursts of automatic gunfire rock the area.


In the video filmed by onlookers, apparently from a window in a building near where the anti-terrorist operation took place, long bursts of gunfire can be heard in the dark. Shortly after, the house with suspected terrorists inside is engulfed in flames. A dog can be heard whimpering in the background, scared by the shots.


The locals who the filmed apparent climax of the anti-terrorist raid say the building is believed to be a large, privately-owned cottage.


In the wake of the raid, the Russian anti-terrorism squad reported that they averted an imminent ISIS attack on a public place in the city, eliminating two militants who refused to lay down their weapons. The terrorists were killed in the shootout.


The scene of the operation was plunged in total darkness, as seen in the video, because power was shut down in the neighborhood for the duration of the raid, local resident Maksim Slutsky said. He told RT that he saw heavy police presence and about 30 law enforcement vehicles parked at a nearby school, which served as the staging area for the takedown.

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 5:27 p.m. No.6156964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7105 >>7192

NYC Council passes bill to block employers from drug testing job applicants. Mayor de Blasio expected to sign.


'This is another instance where City Council is interfering in the relationship between employees and employers'


The New York City Council approved this week a bill that would block many employers from forcing job applicants to undergo marijuana drug testing, the New Tork Times reported.


New York City Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams sponsored the legislation that passed Tuesday in a 40-4 vote.


The legislation is the latest in a series of moves to ease marijuana restrictions in New York City while efforts to legalize marijuana have slowed at the state level.


"I'm proud that the city has taken action where the federal and the state government have stalled," Williams said, according to the Times.

Who would the bill affect?


Both public and private employers in New York City would be affected by the law, as well as employers with headquarters outside the city.


Williams told the newspaper that it's not clear how many employers currently require drug testing.


The council also passed a bill that would prohibit marijuana testing for those on probation.


Olivia Lapeyrolerie, a spokeswoman for the mayor, told the Times that Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration fully supports the bills, which are headed to his desk for his signature.


The legislation would take effect one year after the bills are signed.

Are there any exemptions?


The law would not apply to industries where safety is a factor, including law enforcement, construction workers, and those who supervise children.


It would not exempt federal and state employees who are subject to drug testing. The law would not change federal drug screening requirements mandated by the government on truck drivers and pilots, among others.


If someone on the job appears to be under the influence of drugs, the employer could have them tested.

What do supporters say?


Dionna King, a policy manager at the Drug Policy Alliance, told the Times that she believes it's a positive move that could help remove the stigma attached to pot use.


"Through this legislation, there will still be a good number of folks who will no longer have to submit to testing just to get employment," King said.

What do opponents say?


But some business leaders believe the bill is another example of government overreach by the City Council.


"This is another instance where City Council is interfering in the relationship between employees and employers," said Kathryn S. Wylde, president of the Partnership for New York City, which represents business leaders.

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 5:29 p.m. No.6156985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7105 >>7192

Pentagon Papers Lawyer: Julian Assange Being Convicted Will Criminalize the News-Gathering Process


James Goodale, the vice president and general counsel of the New York Times during the Pentagon Papers scandal, is warning that the light charges against Julian Assange is part of an extradition scheme that could ultimately criminalize the news-gathering process in the digital age.


Goodale warns that generally speaking, a journalist can indeed instruct his source in a manner which will permit the source to escape identification, and that criminalizing that aspect of journalism will be a blow to the First Amendment.


Writing for The Hill, Goodale explained that the lack of charges under the Espionage Act is “a snare and a delusion.” He wrote that the indictment is “surprisingly spare” and “seems to have been written with a particular purpose in mind — to extradite Assange from England. Once he is here, he will be hit, no doubt, with multiple charges.”


“Under the U.S.-U.K. extradition treaty, one cannot be extradited from the United Kingdom if the extradition is for ‘political purposes.’ This explains why the indictment does not contain any charges alleging that Assange conspired with the Russians to impact the 2016 presidential election. It may also explain why the indictment focuses on hacking government computers rather than on leaking stolen government information, in as much as leaking could be characterized as being done for political purposes,” Goodale wrote. “When Assange arrives in the United States through extradition, as many expect he will, the government will then be able to indict him for his participation in that election. It is not out of the question that the government will come up with additional charges against Assange.”


Goodale explained that the government made it seem like Assange had hacked an account for Manning to be able to access the files, but it is not really the case. Manning already had access to the files legally — he is simply accused of trying (unsuccessfully) to help them cover their tracks.


“The U.S. government has attempted to divert attention from the basic fact that this indictment punishes the publication of truthful information by making it seem that Assange ‘cracked’ a code to permit Manning to have access to further classified information, which Manning in turn then could leak to Assange. That’s not what the indictment says. It says that Assange told Manning how to cover her tracks with respect to her leaks so the government could not catch Manning,” he wrote.


In conclusion, Goodale stated that “if Assange is found guilty of conspiring with Manning under this indictment, which incorporates the Espionage Act, this will be a blow to the First Amendment. It will criminalize the news-gathering process and will be a precedent for future cases concerning leaks. This will be particularly so since substantially all leaks in the future will be computer-generated. “

Anonymous ID: e94816 April 12, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.6157031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7105 >>7192

“Beautiful In Every Way Imaginable”: Russia Slams British Claims That London Worked To Stabilize Libya


During a April 11 press briefing Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mariya Zakharova made detailed remarks regarding the current situation in Libya and British calims that London has worked to stabelize the country (source):


Confessions of British Foreign Office minister on Libya


Speaking about Libya and the roots of today’s extremely difficult situation, I couldn’t help but see what I consider as an outstanding statement in every way recently made by Mark Field, a UK Foreign Office minister who temporarily oversees the Middle East dossier. During the debate in the House of Commons, he agreed with the arguments of his Labour opponents about the “calamitous” consequences of the British invasion of Iraq and Libya and said the following: “Although the UK played a role in trying to ensure that there was further planning for a Libyan-owned, UN co-ordinated stabilisation effort, that did not come to pass in the way we would have liked. There were clear early successes in the immediate aftermath of 2011 that were not sustained. ”


This statement is beautiful in every way imaginable. It turns out that the introduction of a no-fly zone, coupled with pinpoint bombardments, including on facilities critical to the state infrastructure, is now modestly called “a role in stabilisation effort.” The “effort” apparently implies unceremonious interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, overt support of an anti-government coup and, naturally, public lynching and mockery on the body of a national leader who was only recently accepted by those who later shamelessly gave orders and actually sentenced Muammar Gaddafi to death. Speaking about the scenario they would have liked, obviously, that was a reference to a transformation of Libya, which is extremely rich in natural resources, into a hydrocarbons supplier fully controlled by the West with a puppet government “recognized democratic” in words. Apparently, this was the scenario the West would have liked to see implemented, only something went wrong.


Frankly speaking, what is happening now, including around Venezuela is of course completely different; yet the methods used are very similar to the drama that unfolded in Libya: attempts to convince everyone of the need for democratisation, a concentration on the country’s blunders, including economic ones within implementation of its internal policy, using a whole range of pressure tools and interference in the internal affairs of sovereign Libya, relying on those welcome and sanctions against the unwanted. That came unexpected for most countries. The world is watching in amazement what is happening in that country. The question is, is this another blunder? But one has to answer for their blunders.


The problem is that the people who wrote these scenarios, including for Libya, turned out to be mediocre. Apologies have not been uncommon in the British political culture lately. In fact they are made quite often because there is no real remorse behind them. Remember, Gordon Brown apologised for the shameful migrant policy that sent many destitute and orphaned Britons to the colonies for several decades in the 20th century. They apologised for the slavery in the past. Modern UK politicians have also repeatedly apologised. Remember Iraq? Now it’s Libya’s turn, only they didn’t apologise, but said they failed to ensure it goes according to the scenario planned for that country. How many more places on our planet will be forced into these dramatic scenarios with non-dramatic apologies afterwards?


Only faced with an acute socioeconomic crisis, primarily caused by the uncontrolled flow of migration, our Western colleagues began to look for ways to evade any threats or complaints.


One must keep in mind that all those who drafted the scenario for Libya – the politicians, experts, representatives of the executive power of Western states – feel fine, and are as rich and prosperous as ever. But millions of direct and indirect victims of those decision-makers are paying the price for their mistakes, paying their own lives and the lives of their families and friends.