Anonymous ID: f7eaa1 April 12, 2019, 6 p.m. No.6157385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7460 >>7626 >>7814 >>7960 >>8018

Federal Judge Compares Trump To George Wallace And The KKK In Stunning Speech


A federal trial judge delivered a stunning rebuke of President Donald Trump on Thursday, comparing the president’s “assault on our judiciary” to the Ku Klux Klan and segregationist George Wallace.


U.S. District Judge Carlton Wayne Reeves of the federal trial court in southern Mississippi launched those broadsides during remarks at the University of Virginia Law School, where he was accepting the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal.


“When politicians attack courts as ‘dangerous,’ ‘political,’ and guilty of ‘egregious overreach,’ you can hear the Klan’s lawyers, assailing officers of the court across the south,” Reeves said.


“When the executive branch calls our courts and their work ‘stupid,’ ‘horrible,’ ‘ridiculous,’ ‘incompetent,’ ‘a laughingstock,’ and a ‘complete and total disgrace,’ you can hear the slurs and threats of executives like George Wallace echoing into the present,” the judge added.


Reeves took particular exception to the president’s remarks respecting Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who presided over a civil fraud action against the now-defunct Trump University. The president called Curiel “biased” and “a hater,” and suggested the judge should be conflicted out of the case because of his hawkish immigration positions. Curiel is of Mexican descent.


“I know what I heard when a federal judge was called ‘very biased and unfair’ because he is ‘of Mexican heritage,'” Reeves said. “When that judge’s ethnicity was said to prevent his issuing ‘fair rulings.’ When that judge was called a ‘hater’ simply because he is Latino.”


“I heard the words of James Eastland, a race-baiting politician, empowered by the falsehood of white supremacy, questioning the judicial temperament of a man solely because of the color of his skin,” Reeves continued. “I heard those words, and I did not know if it was 1967 or 2017.”


The speech was a remarkable and perhaps unprecedented political intervention by a sitting federal judge, who is required to remain assiduously nonpartisan. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was widely criticized for referring to Trump as a “faker” during the 2016 presidential campaign. She later apologized for the indiscretion.


Chief Justice John Roberts has previously admonished Trump for his rhetoric about the courts. The chief’s statement came after president derided a judge who enjoined the administration’s asylum rules.


“What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them,” Roberts said. “That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”

Anonymous ID: f7eaa1 April 12, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.6157501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7522 >>7626 >>7814 >>7960

The Untold Facts of John Brennan's Career of Treachery


Brennan's fingerprints are all over the RussiaHoax. Expect major attacks like this one against 'Mr. Deep State' himself, the man who epitomizes the out-of-control US security state.


Let’s get something clear from the start. In 1976, in his 20s, John Brennan was a card carrying communist who supported the then Soviet Union, at the height some might say of the Cold War, so much so he voted and assisted Gus Hall, the communist candidate for President against a devout Christian, Jimmy Carter who ultimately won the Presidency.


Yet under four years later, just after the then Soviet Union invaded, just weeks before, Afghanistan and months after the tumultuous Iranian revolution of 1979, which at the time many thought the Soviet Union had a hand in, Brennan was accepted into the CIA as a junior analyst.



Anonymous ID: f7eaa1 April 12, 2019, 6:10 p.m. No.6157522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7626 >>7814 >>7960



There is no impartiality in your comments. Your assessments are not based on some sober judgment of what is best for this nation. They are based exclusively on what you believe to be in the best interests of the politicians with whom you long since allied yourself.


It should be noted that not only are you most decidedly not apolitical but that you have been associated during your career with some of the greatest foreign policy disasters in recent American history.


Ever since this President was elected, there has been a concerted effort to delegitimize him and destabilize him led by you. This has been an unprecedented; to undermine the stability of the republic and the office of the Presidency, for solely partisan political reasons. You and your patrons have been complicit in this effort and at its very heart.


You abandoned any hope of being a true intelligence professional decades ago and became a political hack. Say so.


Sam Faddis




I decided to update this article with this epilogue that summarises events since its first publication, but by not writing more. By simply adding links showing Brennan speaking in March just before Meuller’s Report was released, and excerpts of other interviews and commentaries.


In this way, reader’s can judge for themselves Brennan’s essentially undoubtable despicable character which shines through by watching and reading the below 8 links up to 1st April 2019. There are many more, but in consideration of space, I’ve selected these links.



Anonymous ID: f7eaa1 April 12, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.6157550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7626 >>7814 >>7960

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Says Holocaust Can Be Forgiven, Mustn’t Be Forgotten


The Brazilian president is a strong supporter of Israel and is said to have good relations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro said Thursday that he believes the crimes of the Holocaust can be forgiven, but measures must be taken so that such a thing never happens again.


"We can forgive, but we cannot forget. That quote is mine. Those that forget their past are sentenced not to have a future," he said, speaking at a meeting with evangelical pastors in Rio de Janeiro, according to The Times of Israel.


He added that actions are needed to make sure the Holocaust will never be repeated, to the applause of the audience, the report says.


The recently elected right-wing Brazilian president is believed to be a staunch Israel supporter, having good relations with the right-wing Netanyahu.


Earlier in April, Bolsonaro, alongside Netanyahu, visited the Holocaust memorial in Israel. During his visit to the country, Bolsonaro and Netanyahu signed a number of agreements, including papers on defence, cybersecurity and police cooperation. Bolsonaro also announced his decision to open a trade office in Jerusalem. Earlier in January, he vowed to move Brasilia's embassy to the city; however, the latter move appears to be on hold, according to the Times report.


During the reign of the Nazi Party in Germany, some 6 million Jews were killed in a genocide known as the Holocaust, as well as some 7 million Soviet civilians, 2 million ethnic Poles and a large number of victims from other groups, including gay and disabled people.

Anonymous ID: f7eaa1 April 12, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.6157617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kevin Barrett- Zionist Terror Pits Christians Vs Muslims


(February and March 2019 witnessed a record 47 attacks on Catholic sites in Europe)


"MSM propagandists, including phoney alt-right outlets run by Zionists, want to confound patriots by hyping the 'Muslim immigrant' or 'Islamic invasion' threat. What they don't want you to know about Islam is that Muslims are the world's biggest potential allies of Christianity. Hindus and Buddhists have no use for Jesus; Jews and atheists detest Jesus, but Muslims love and revere Jesus. Given half a chance, real Muslims, the ones who pray five times a day and attend the local mosque would step forward to defend Christian holy places against pussy rioters and other vandals."


The white nationalists are partly right: The Zionist New World Order and its bought-and-paid-for mainstream media are conspiring to destroy Western culture. But they haven't figured out that this is a religious, not racial issue.




Western culture, like every culture, is held together by religion. That source of social cohesion is under attack. A cabal of Satanists, dominated by heretical ethnic Jews, has been waging all-out war on Christianity and Islam for at least the past 500 years.



Don Isaac Abravanel (1437-1508), Netanyahu's family hero and role model, was the first modern Zionist. Abravanel preached a pragmatic plan to create a Jewish state in the Holy Land while taking revenge on Christians and Muslims by tricking them into fighting each other in an apocalyptic war that would destroy both religions and leave Zionist Jews masters of the world. A little over five centuries later, Abravanel's plan' hyped by Bibi's father Benzion Netanyahu' is nearing fruition.


A key Zionist weapon is Satanism. Following in the footsteps of Abravanel, Shabtai Tsvi, and Jacob Frank, the Rothschild dynasty financed satanic secret societies, including the notorious Illuminati, to seduce Western elites away from Christianity and undermine Euro-American culture.


Today, NWO satanism is right out in the open, waging a massive campaign of anti-religious terrorism that would be front page headlines everywhere if it were being done in the name of the phoney "Islamic State" (a satanist group dressed in Islamic garb). But our MSM is pro-satanism but anti-Islam and anti-religion, so it hides openly anti-religious terrorism while hyping false flag "religious terrorism."


Consider the recent arson attacks against black churches. The MSM was in an uproar blaming white nationalists' until it turned out the perpetrator was a satanic terrorist not a racist one.


A monstrous wave of horrific attacks on the most sacred monuments of Western Christian civilization is taking place with barely a peep from the MSM. That is because the terrorists are atheists, feminazis, pagans, and members of other denominations of Satanism.


The most heavily publicized terrorist event in history, 9/11, was a classic example of anti-religious terrorism. By disguising their act of satanic ritual sacrifice as a "radical Muslim attack," the perpetrators launched a long-term war against the religion, culture, and people of Islam. And the folks they hoodwinked into fighting their war, the dwindling number of Western Christians, fell for it. Today, the satanic 9/11 perps are flooding Europe with refugees from their Zionist wars'another attack on what is left of Western Christian civilization.


Below is an article that was apparently too hot for one of my regular paid outlets. Enjoy!


-Kevin Barrett

Anonymous ID: f7eaa1 April 12, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.6158004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Government Defends Arming Saudi Arabia: Secret Court Hearing. Are British Forces in Yemen?


The government refuses to confirm or deny the presence of British special forces in Yemen.


Its missions are exempt from freedom of information and even Parliament’s defence committee.


This wall of secrecy cracked slightly after five SBS members were injured in Yemen, causing an insider to speak out anonymously last month.


The insider’s allegations were then raised in Parliament, just hours after Foreign Office Middle East minister Alistair Burt resigned over Brexit.


At the Court of Appeal — The government will defend its arms sales to Saudi Arabia at a secret court hearing in London tomorrow in a bid to obscure sensitive details about Britain’s covert role in the Yemen war.


The Court of Appeal went into closed session this afternoon with journalists, campaigners and some lawyers forced to leave court room 72 until later today.


Only security-vetted judges and special advocates remained to discuss “a large quantity” of evidence behind locked doors.


The government said the secrecy was required to “protect national security” and avoid divulging highly sensitive aspects of its relationship with Saudi Arabia and the ongoing war in Yemen.


It comes amid incendiary allegations in the press that British special forces are directing Saudi bombing raids in Yemen.


The Mail on Sunday has claimed that members of the Royal Navy’s elite Special Boat Service (SBS) have “forward air controllers” on the ground in Yemen. These are specially trained commandos who guide fighter jet pilots on bombing runs to ensure they hit targets.


Their presence in Yemen could explain the British government’s insistence that Saudi air strikes are not causing civilian casualties.


Sir James Eadie QC, a lawyer who represents the Department for International Trade, has repeatedly cast doubt on reports by Amnesty International, Medecins Sans Frontieres and even a UN panel of experts who say Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemeni schools, mosques and hospitals.


Mr Eadie said in open court yesterday that International Trade Secretary Liam Fox is privy to more information than charities and the UN about the Saudi military’s decision-making process.


He refused to explain how this was possible in public session and promised to reveal more in secret court.


He only hinted that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) “is able to base its analysis on a wide range of information including sensitive MoD-sourced imagery.”


Mr Eadie said this “secures a more comprehensive and immediate picture than that provided by third party commercial imagery” which is used by the UN.


Burt’s shoes were filled at short notice by Mark Field, who went off script and promised to hold an internal investigation – into an issue he could neither confirm nor deny existed.

Anonymous ID: f7eaa1 April 12, 2019, 6:58 p.m. No.6158062   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She's Cabal.


Muslim's V Christian's is the outcome (((they))) want..


She is making support for the Zionists a taboo topic to talk about hence her support for BDS, now if you support sanctions on Israel for the Genocide they are committing you get labelled a supporter of this clown in congress! See how this works?


Stop feeding the the cabal propaganda!

