thanks bakes
nigga you gay
maybe if you use moar trigger words youll blend better
jfc are you even trying now or just pms'ing all over the board
>get science books
you'll need an expensive and long degree to do anything meaningful in science
id suggest finance unless you have 15 years or so
tracy, have you noticed absolutely no one is backing you up while you've been flinging your menstrual fluid all over the last 4 breads?
cuz we've all noticed
you need to take your meds, diaz
she still mad tho
yeah she got super triggered a couple breads ago and now is apparently trying out schizophrenia for size
it fits her well, actually
you too
i think she may need a buddy to sit with her this evening
keep her away from the hooch and whatnot
god i love that meme
post number is irrelevant when outing a subversive cunt such as yourself
>kike kike kike pron kike kike pron
you're sounding moar like cta by the post
interdasting development
you should name a bread "the beanz meltdown" this was fucking epic
i cant imagine, kek