Anonymous ID: baaf68 April 12, 2019, 7:05 p.m. No.6158125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8146

>>6157963 (pb)

What makes you GLOW is the you're only [here] to talk shit, run your bitch ass kike mouth, and not dig on shit.

Which is why you are a blendingnormiefuckingkikenigger and will never be anon.

Fuck you two times.

<hurrrrr durrrrrrr I can post memz and use /bantz, therefore I must be anon

^^^^^^^^^ you

Supporting pr0n really that much worth it?

Piece of shit kiddie diddler.

Anonymous ID: baaf68 April 12, 2019, 7:13 p.m. No.6158218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8224 >>8225


There have been those who "backed me(the truth) up" you FAGA bitch.

3 breads ago I stated I was going after you pr0nniggers and if you were still on cuckchan, you would have been BTFO 10 fold.

Go back to sucking AJ's dick, nigger.

Anonymous ID: baaf68 April 12, 2019, 7:17 p.m. No.6158262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8306 >>8391 >>8627 >>8748

It's funny how you fake ass wannabe anons actually think posting pr0n has been "a thing" on the chans.


"A Harmless Diversion?


The argument is that pornographic images don't harm anyone as they are merely fantasies. But fantasies of what? Of hurting women? Of humiliating them? Of treating them as dehumanised objects?As the philosopher Roger Scruton argues in his book Sexual Desire, fantasy has a tendency to remake the world in its own image. So the 'harmless' porn voyeur can turn into a rapist with a gun. For his fantasy is governed by monstrous myths and illusions - that women wish to be raped, that children are waiting to be awakened to sexual pleasure, or that violence is a natural right.


Pornography objectifies women and reduces them to a commodity. Such dehumanisation affects the man's behaviour, ranging from withdrawal of intimacy through to harsh treatment of women, to outright abuse. Dr Trevor Stammers, a GP who has often written about sexual problems, says most women he counsels whose husbands are into porn claim this has destroyed their marriages. The husband prefers to find sexual release from a computer because this doesn't require any personal engagement by him. So he chooses physical sensation without love. 'There is no doubt', says Dr Stammers, 'that as a result of using pornography such men become far more callous towards women. What they are seeking from porn is the illusion of power and control over them'.


Research studies back up the suggestion that using pornography badly affects behaviour and relationships. American academics Dolf Zillmann and Jennings Bryant have shown that pornography can diminish a person's sexual happiness, that it damages beliefs about sexuality and attitudes towards women, and that it desensitises people to rape as a criminal offence. An American survey last year showed that more than 200,000 people were effectively addicted to porn through websites and associated chat-rooms. Victor Cline of the University of Utah has documented how men who become addicted to pornography, begin to want more explicit or deviant material, and end up acting out what they have seen.


Isn't that to 'deprave and corrupt' by any reasonable understanding of those terms? Yet far from being outlawed, porn is becoming mainstream behaviour. Sado-masochism has its own fashionable clubs. In Britain, Sodomy was made legal for women when the age of homosexual consent was reduced to 16yrs; what was once considered an intolerable assault on women, from which the law should protect them, has now become their 'right.' And urination during sex - the 'golden shower' is even discussed enthusiastically in teen magazines."


By all means, keep it up.

You think Freddy was the worst?

I'll fuck your world up if I diverge into "shilling".

Trying to wake you fucktards up but you're simple-minded morans.

Anonymous ID: baaf68 April 12, 2019, 7:36 p.m. No.6158502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8527 >>8611 >>8718

I'm actually worse than the gapingpr0nnigger by posting how pr0n objectifies women, destroys a man's ability to emotionally & physically bond with a female companion, and stifles the natural process of development for kids by exposing how pr0n is evil & pushed by the enemy.


The kikery spin on that boggles the mind.

Anonymous ID: baaf68 April 12, 2019, 7:44 p.m. No.6158603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8615 >>8628


Kikes never answer the question.

Kikes never refute the evidence.

What KIKES DO is attack, blame, and subvert their evil onto OTHERS.

EVERY. SINGLE. THING. you have done for the past 3 breads.

Fuck off, die slow, and may your offspring develop incurable diseases as a product of your inbreeding.

Anonymous ID: baaf68 April 12, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.6158654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Behind Disney’s good front lies hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft. Disney’s involvement in these kind of things will be explained in this chapter. Nobody has sold America witchcraft as well as the Disney brothers. Movie after movie has cleverly brought the occult into the warp & woof of American thought, all under the disguise of entertainment. For instance, it was Disney that brought us cannibalism and told us that it was a "triumph of the human spirit" (a direct quote from Disney’s Touchtone Producer Robert Watts concerning Disney’s movie "Alive" featuring survivors of an airplane crash who turned to cannibalism). Under the disguise of entertainment & showing us how "triumphant" the human spirit was, they subtly promoted cannibalism. Mickey Mouse plays a leading role in "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice." And yet when this author has suggested that Disney movies aren’t wholesome, many Christian parents come unglued and have gotten angry with this author. The deceptive image that Disney movies are wholesome is a triumph in Illuminati deception. Parents would be surprised what is slipped into cartoons.


In Disney’s "The Little Mermaid" the castles are male sexual organs. In one cartoon Mighty Mouse is shown without comment clearly snorting cocaine. Walt Disney Studios Chairman Joe Roth is in charge of Walt Disney as well as subsidiaries Touchtone, Miramax, and Hollywood Pictures, which were all created to camouflage the Disney production of adult films. Disney operates in a clandestine manner regarding the promotion, distribution and rating of the films produced by their subsidiaries.

Anonymous ID: baaf68 April 12, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.6158714   🗄️.is 🔗kun


English, mother fucker. Do you speak it?


Nah, your family will (probably not) be sad when you swing from the gallows.

I bet the NSA would be interested to see what's on your hard drive.

Anonymous ID: baaf68 April 12, 2019, 7:55 p.m. No.6158758   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yet nobody joins in the fight [here] against it.

Of all the months [here], exposing everything under the sun from pedos to NAPA winery fuckery, the most flak I've taken is from exposing pr0n.

What does that tell you?

Constant attacks and not one, track them, not one of them has refuted my evidence.