Hello, brother.
Love ya!
>Former Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa,
He's got political ties to Pico-Union, where MS-13 started. I don't think he's the first, but he's definitely a destabilizer.
Okay. Any other examples that spring to mind? I'm looking for the combining physical characteristic, like a darker ring around the color or left side drooping.
People who talk out of the side of their mouth are hiding something Hence a sly smile. Two-faced people the tilted face you see so often in Hollywood. (We look for symmetry because that is truth.)
How would you know if your science is based on a correct assertion without all the facts? hypothesize test retest as needed provable, replicated results = closer to truth or truth.
Don't claim science and then ignore it's method because you declare something to be so.
Aren't we learning that much of our science isn't science or is inaccurate? Isn't there a metaphysical component to all this?
Aren't truths hidden in sayings?