Anonymous ID: 7ff99e Compare and contrast? March 10, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.616402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6498

Pondering psychological processes….





isolated in a corrupt culture which worships death, disguised as pure selfishness, awakened by the cruel reality of an unconscious society, consuming the tender innocence of hearts born with no armor. Due to having far less effective filters, autists can actually listen with an open mind, and are able, if willing, to feel their spirit move in response to their mindset.


’’’Followers of Christ:’’’

isolated in a corrupt culture which worships death, disguised as pure selfishness, awakened by the cruel reality of an unconscious society, consuming the tender innocence of hearts not yet protected by the armor of God. Due to the direction to seek within, are able to listen, when willing, to the prompting of their spirits in reaction to their mental states.





Created by the cruelty and ignorance of the selfish, world-controlling upper crustal creatures.

Easily overwhelmed by sensory overload or emotional reaction to illogical change in the environment, real or social. Yet, the mind is NOT allergic to emotion and mysteriously, is able to stay closer to the true tenderness of the heart than “normies”.

A lifelong challenge is to master the loss of temper, where accumulated mental frustration and raw emotional intensity collide.



Created by centuries of inbreeding for qualities of supercilious arrogance OR by deliberate savage methods of child-rearing, in a tradition carried on by elements of the Khazarian tribe, no doubt borrowed from older schools, where coldly delivered traumas of cruelty shattered any remaining connection between mind and heart and where the emotional prompting of the soul is SEVERED, in any not already soul-less!

Only overwhelmed by the need to spin too many lies simultaneously, emotional reactions are SIMULATED, ESPECIALLY all the FAUX OUTRAGE (their special favorite!) if their agendas are ever questioned!

Their lifelong challenge is to never stop acting! Once started down the road of manipulating everyone around them, gang and non-gang alike, there is NO STOPPING this train wreck, as once the con has failed, the half-brained psychopaths are at a severe disadvantage.