Prolly anons here know these facts, but just in case anyone does not, and wants to dig …
GHB was running the Iran-Contra (Ollie North/Bill Clinton) drug op from Central American through Mena Arkansas (see: Barry Seal, and the movie "American Made"). This is how Clinton became "made" into the cabal (same as a "made man" in the mafia).
GHB's son Neil was to meet with John Hinckey, Jr.'s brother Scott the next day after Reagan ass'n attempt in Denver. Bush's and Hinckley's were close allies in the oil biz.
GHB was part of the "Rockefeller Republicans" in the 1960's, who then became the "Eastern Establishment" in the 1970's. Reagan hated them (ran against Bush in the primaries, and did not want him as VP) because they were the forerunners to the current day "neocons," which were created by Bill Kristol's dad (Irving Kristol). Leo Strauss was the promoter of the neocons (actually, they are Trotskyites), and Kristol is now the head of the Leo Struass Foundation.