>>6160451 PB 5G Evil
>How hard would it be to setup an legit experiment to prove whether or not 5G produces auditory phenomena? I'm not a physicfag but it seems like you could sit someone in a room with a transmitter and sweep the frequency until the subject reports a sensation and then turn the transmitter on and off to rule out false positives.
I'm not a physics fag either, but it sure would be nice if this could be done…. like yesterday.
What the hell is the push for this 5G crap all about anyway without conducting some decent experiments?
Something is not right.
They are just trying to march on as if we all approve and we are just going to die if the "streaming" does not run a little faster.
Well, got news.
Eyes have limits.
Humans have physical limits that cause High Definition to become useless at some point, it all looks the same.
People have health concerns.
People are able to be permanently damaged while sitting in a building?
Ya think thinking people would be asking questions.
SO what gives?
Why is everyone in government, everywhere, up down, left, right and in between like…. crickets?
Even Q….. crickets.
Very evil bad feeling about this 5G shit.
VERY very weird what's going on with it.
I kept thinking maybe they are aware of some crazy nano dust that we could get showered with, and maybe they are developing some kind of weapon to take out that dust to defend the country, and they just don't want to freak people the fuck out?
WHooooo the hell knows.
All I know is that if the stuff gets set up and so much as one person is damaged.. well, that is what guns are for.
Just start shooting out the towers as fast as we possibly can…. I guess.
When even the good guys in government do not want to talk about it, that is really really not good.