Either Wikileaks has been compromised and black hats are posting conspiracy nonsense to get ahead of whatever they really might drop, they have lost their shit because JA was taken in OR the gloves have come off and they're dropping big clues, like Q, for us to use to dig further on.
Unfortunately, the best known person espousing the reptilian stuff is david icke, which doesn't help. That said, there was someone I like who was on joe rogan's podcast and he swore he witnessed one personally, but wouldn't name the person.
That's who it was on rogan's podcast!
Used to be convinced he was telling the public the "truth" about the "music industry" etc., have some of their music, but then watched a video about how "weird" SP concerts have become, full of illuminati imagery and a St. Billy they wheel around the audience so they can bend down and kiss its feet?
If that's a way of doing tongue and cheek, it's fucking gay as hell. If you want to see the video, produced by movie making fans who left the show early out of disgust, it's on YT.
Here's the video I posted about earlier on your post. This turned me off as to BC and The Smashing Pumpkins. This is too fucking strange.
Start around the 16 minute mark, if you don't want to watch it allโฆ.it's where st. billy comes in.