"The source" of what?
Um you do realize the reason he double-crossed the Clinton campaign was because he was a BernieBro and a communist, right?
His murderers should obviously be brought to justice, but he was anything but a hero.
Do you not know what a balcony is?
Yeah, pretty plain.
How does that nigger pay her bills?
Why is her site Social Autopsy still up and running? Just how naive are you, boomer?
You're an idiot.
Are you a lesbian, or just a degenerate?
Your stupid fucking questions.
You actually asked if it was possible that the nigger thought the 5 year old was gay.
Degenerate it is. I figured.
Put the shovel down dumbfuck, you're only making it worse.
You mad?
Gee, board mom boomer cunt, I'll try harder tomorrow. KYS.
Shouldn't surprise.
This distraction is an attempt at a narrative shift.
Things are looking really bad for the cabal and they're flailing about a bit.
Regrettably it does distract some people.
And yet people deny the statistics. Fools.
Chink and a chimp. Disgusting subhumans.