So non typical illegal hacking announced in major press….. hahahaaahahaaaaa
Wow, that's totally not spoopy
So non typical illegal hacking announced in major press….. hahahaaahahaaaaa
Wow, that's totally not spoopy
Yeah so did all his supporters
That was a great show, yeah sorry I just sold y'all to HRC STFU now and do what yer told
No one can control you, only suggest in order to influence your choice, your free will
Not even God can make you do anything unless you choose to allow that control
Free will is absolute
Doesnt work on me
Try some rational thought with a full dose of truth sometime
You won't need learys lie machine anymoar
Don't quit yer day job
Those are really the shittiest PS jobs I've seen in a while
What were you afraid to highlight the mouse dick?
That's a Freudian tell right there, ya fucking CLOWN