Anonymous ID: b43def April 13, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.6164483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4488 >>4498 >>4507 >>4543 >>4932 >>4949

The whole INTERNET is FULL of comments and videos and studies that express 5G HEALTH CONCERNS and TRUMP FORCES it UPON the american people WITHOUT EVEN MENTIONING (!!) that there are health concerns?!?!?!


such disappointment. Trump is a traitor to the american people.

and to the world.


Most people reject the idea of an internet of things and all that crap.

that's just for more selling things and more surveillance.

(In fact the only person i know that wants it is trumpo.)


It will harm our bodies and cause health issues on a massive scale.

but trump pushes it through without ONE WORD!?!

traitor, liar, con man. 2 years of meme wars and informing myself and others about Q WASTED.

Q, I WILL NEVER COMPLY WITH YOUR "beautiful brave new world". You technocrats are lost souls in my view. Do you still remember how it feels to sit on the earth and just enjoy nature? Do you still remember what the important things in live are?


and anons please stop the "good frequencies" serialbrain shit. pulsed microwave radiation is bad for your bodies even if trump turns it on, faggots. get it: 5G is good for (((them))) and bad for us!

Why do they need all that mobile bandwidth? transhumanism agenda?

Resist technocrat lifestyle for ever!


Future cities without trees? Who wants that? Oh, nobody in the population. Is that why it's not talked about.


Please, traitors, con men, liars. Go "Fight Fight Fight" on your little shiny devices whilst (((they))) build a harmful control grid around you.


I will take this back if i see trumpo should row back on 5G or show me some way it can be done without pulsed microwave radiation. until then i call trumpo a slave of the moneymakers and an enslaver of good people.


5G is the central issue of this time regarding health, environment, the future of our children and trumpo is a looser on this one. what do i care if fisa abuse took place? what do i care if strzok lied and obama spied? what do i care if hillary eats children from hawaii when they build this grid of microwave weapons around me?


less than zero.


trump, i hope they'll kill you soon. if hillary had won i at least wouldn't have wasted two years of hope on a fraud!


And i have defended you and fought for you in that time.

Go die!


And don't tell me hillary would have blown up the whole place or something. How can she blow up the place if (((they))) want to install their killgrid on it.


I have been suffering from emf sickness for over ten years now. it has destroyed my life and i have become a emf refugee so please come along with your petty online research knowledge and tell me "oh, relax, dud, 5g is harmless". you're just the new kind of sheeple. please have fun as long as it lasts. you won't wake up - you'll just bake up in a planet sized microwave that you helped build.


These guys used to be human like zuckerbot and with your help they will win, anons.


trumpo = stupid liar

anons = bunch of loosers without a life waiting for their daily hopium fix.


Just go die everybody.


If you can betray your people and your planet like this what do you deserve than a nuclear holocaust?