Anonymous ID: dff543 April 13, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6164744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782


I mean it's not like nearly every religion or culture has snake reptile symbolism. And that people see snake beings while deebly-meditatings, nearly dyings or hallucinatings. I wonder what the common denominator is.

Pretty sure we should just believe in a saviour to forgive us for any & all sins, and give away our freewill, and buy into heaven/hell ideologies given in re-written and re-translated obscure thought controlling life-time-in-deciphering books. Heck, maybe reciting long winded prayers without emotion is the answer. It's not like this sort of controlling thought patterns stops spiritual growth or understanding. I mean it just feels so good.

You know? As if good feelings can be in two places or more at the same time. You gotta be kidding yourself if you think thoughts and intentions shape our material dimension. It's not like what we concentrate our feelings towards can have any effect on quantum probabilities, Ya know? This world just isn't mathematical at all and if it can't be quantitively measured or modelled, then guess what? It must not be real!.

But hey, it's all written in history and carved out in stone. It's not like an extremely smart invisible intelligence with space and time travelling capabilities would be able to manipulate and divide societies for their own benefit. Right. So it must be true.