>>6164863 lp/pb
I don't advocate the use of insects for protein either. Plants contain more than enough protein for all body types. Our bodies need Proteins that supply a full Amino Acid signature, which are all readily available on a healthy plant-based diet.
We used to subsist on many things yes, the definition of an opportunistic omnivore, but look at the blue zones across the world with the highest Centenarian populations. Traditional communities have thrived on a primarily plant-based diet for tens of thousands of years, with an optimal meat intake of less than 5%. The only vitamin you can't get directly from plants is B12. Animals graze plants (where do you think they get their protein?) that are in the ground, covered in dirt. Bacteria in dirt make B12, the animals just concentrate it. A vegan diet should always be supplemented with B12, but guess who the biggest consumer of B12 supplements is? The cattle industry; because they feed their cows fermented corn silage that was chopped off above the ground, so they don't get enough Bacterial B12 in their diets.
Fish concentrate Omega 3, another essential nutrient, the same way cows condense B12. Many plant sources provide Omega 3's (Walnuts, Hempseeds, Flaxseeds, Algae, etc). Fish also condense toxins like PCBs, Mercury, etc.
Humane means to show compassion and kindness. I believe we are the most cognitively gifted of God's children, but I don't believe that makes this world our dominion to use and abuse. Our intelligence must be used as Stewards and Protectors of the innocent miracle that is all Life. There is no such thing as humanely killing an innocent Conscious being that does not want to die. There would be no way to humanely murder an innocent human that does not want to die, and no-one would argue that.
Humans used to do a lot of things that we recognize as abhorrent today. We used to have tribal warfare, enslave and rape other people regularly. Existence can be cruel, but we don't need to add to the suffering in the world with a choice we make 3 times a day. Yes we can thrive on a vegan diet. It involves taking your health into your own hands and doing a lot of research, but there are endless resources now. We don't need to be slaves to the pharmaceuticals. Most non-vegans I know are unhealthy by the way, and there's plentiful evidence showing the benefits of zero cholesterol, plentiful fiber, micro-nutrients, prebiotics, and all the other benefits of a plant-based diet.