Good eye anon. It's a very easy connection to make, and yet miss at the same time.
There is a long tradition in American government to release unpalatable news late on a Friday so as it is past deadline for MSM nightly news. This way it tends to get buried in the news cycle and missed by most people living their lives such as they are.
Probably a fuel stop. NE ANG facility at Lincoln Airport. Continue to observe and report. Out.
Not sure what to tell you anon. The burglary thing is going to be a problem. During the original Iraq "Surge" days you might have been accepted by the Marine Corps, but those days are over.
Apply to all branches honestly. Background checks are required for some MOS's (the interesting, meaningful ones) and your dirt will be found.
What does traffic near Offut look like? Anything?
He may be overnighting at Lincoln.