>>6166666 >>6166673 >>6166674 >>6166676 >>6166682 >>6166686 >>6166688 >>6166690 >>6166692 >>6166698 >>6166702 >>6166705 >>6166707 >>6166708 >>6166716 >>6166729 >>6166762 OB
In our day and age there has emerged a new movement regarding the “mark of the beast” and what the identity of the “beast” might be. According to this new theory, the letters in an Arabic phrase “The Name of Allah” supposedly resemble the Greek numbers for 666. Therefore, it is concluded by many Commandment-observing believers that the “beast” of Revelation 13:18 is the Islamic world and the Islamic religion.
Revelation 13:18 says, “Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. “
Revelation doesn’t say that any Arabic letters are to be counted, nor that any Greek numbers for 666 are to be counted. It plainly states that the number of the beast is the number of a man, and that number is 666. “The Name of Allah” has no connection to any man whatsoever, it is an Arabic expression. Allah is not a man. The number of the “beast” 666 is also the number of a man. Therefore, we must look for a name, or a title, or the mark of a man.
When the apostle John referred to 666 in Revelation 13:18, it was not meant to be a mystery. The area was under Roman rule. "Roman" in Greek numerals totals 666. The papal name “vicar of Christ” in Greek numerals totals 666. The "mark" that was enforced by the Roman government is the observance of Sunday, the day on which all under Roman rule were forced to worship.
Revelation was written in Greek, not in Arabic. Greek assigns numerical values to letters in its alphabet. Revelation 13:17 tells us that „no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark (of the beast), or the name of the beast, or the number of his name“. The only Bible interpretation of the symbol „beast“ is found in Daniel 7:17-18. “Beast” is the symbol of a kingdom or the king who rules it, and therefore, really is the kingdom. Therefore, Bible teaches that 666 must be the number of a kingdom, or a government, or an empire, as well as that of a king who rules it. “The Name of Allah” in Arabic is neither a kingdom, nor a government, nor an empire, nor a king.
The instruction „it is the number of a man“ shows that we must also count this number in the name of a king, or a ruler over the kingdom identified as „beast“. When John wrote The Revelation, the Islamic religion was not even in existence. The Islamic system of government evolved through various stages beginning from 620s. John was writing in codes about something that was known both to him and those he was sending the Book of Revelation. How could they count the number of the beast, which is also the number of a man, if that man or a system was not existent at the time of John’s writing? Yet, the readers of Revelation in the 1st century are clearly commanded to identify the beast. Islam didn’t exist in the 1st century, but the pagan Roman Empire did. Therefore, John’s audience could only compute the number of an existing empire or an emperor.
John was imprisoned by the emperor of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was named after Romulus, the founder and first king of Rome. His name, the name of a man, also is the name of the kingdom. Romans are called in Greek „Lateinos“ meaning „Latin man“ or „the name of Latium“. In Greek: L=30, A=1, T=300, E=5, I=10, N=50, O=70 and S=200. They add up to 666.
The continuation of the Roman Empire have been several survivals in Europe under a nominal Christian rulership. Number 666 is branded on the pagan Roman Empire, on the founder and first king of the Latins, on every Roman. Therefore, continuations of the Roman Empire and so-called Christian religion today only qualify to be counted in terms of biblical prophecy.
Mussolini in 20th century called himself “Il Duce”. He dreamed of restoring the ancient Roman Empire. Italians displayed many signs saying VV IL DUCE, meaning “long live the chief”. In Latin, the number of this sign is 666.
Pope represents the continuation of the pagan Roman nominal Christianity. For 1260 years, the popes reigned and ruled over the Roman beast as the religious heads of the empire. Although it is not among the acknowledged titles of the pope, he does claim to be the Vicar of Christ, VICARIUS FILII DEI in Latin. In Roman numerals, this also adds up to 666. Number 666 is the mark of the entire Roman system of both secular and religious power. That number has nothing to do with Islam.