Anonymous ID: 50f06c April 13, 2019, 7:11 p.m. No.6169895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0089 >>0288 >>0499 >>0585

China, Russia "Spread Disorder" And "Corruption" In Latin America: Pompeo


Speaking Friday in Chile upon the start of his three-day South American tour, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called out China and Russia for spreading "disorder" in Latin America through failing investment projects that only fuel corruption and undermine democracy, especially in places like Venezuela.


According to Bloomberg, Pompeo specifically listed a failing dam project in Ecuador, police advisory programs in Nicaragua, and Chinese loans to the Maduro government, which goes further back to Chavez.


Pompeo asserted Chinese loans in Latin America “often injects corrosive capital into the economic bloodstream, giving life to corruption, and eroding good governance.” Both Beijing and Moscow have ultimately spread their economic tentacles into the region to “spread disorder,” he added.


In what appears an effort to sustain momentum toward pressuring regime change in Caracas, America's highest diplomat met Chilean President Sebastian Pinera earlier Friday, and will hit Paraguay, Peru next, and finally on Sunday will travel to a Colombian town on the border with Venezuela.


Pompeo and Piñera also generally discussed the U.S.-China trade war and Beijing's “Belt and Road” initiative, with Pompeo suggesting he was optimistic about solving the tariff war with China. But the focus remained finding a US-desired outcome to the Venezuela crisis.


According to Bloomberg:


As part of the broader pressure campaign on Maduro, Pompeo said the U.S. has revoked visas for 718 people and sanctioned over 150 individuals and entities. On Friday, the U.S. sanctioned four companies it says transport much of the 50,000 barrels of oil that Venezuela provides to Cuba each day.

Anonymous ID: 50f06c April 13, 2019, 7:13 p.m. No.6169921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9942 >>9960 >>0399

Tlaib Blasts Democrat Leadership: They Put Muslims in Photos When They Want to Show Party Is ‘Diverse’


Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on Saturday claimed Democrat leadership isn’t doing enough to support Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in the wake of blowback for trivializing the September 11th, 2001, terror attacks, suggesting the Party only puts the pair of Muslim lawmakers in photos to tout its diversity.


“They put us in photos when they want to show our party is diverse. However, when we ask to be at the table, or speak up about issues that impact who we are, what we fight for & why we ran in the first place, we are ignored. To truly honor our diversity is to never silence us,” Tlaib tweeted in response to a California state legislative aide lamenting a so-called “lack of support from Democratic leadership.”


Omar is facing a firestorm of criticism for recent remarks at a private fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) of Greater Los Angeles in which she refered to 9/11 as a day on which “some people did something.” She said:


CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognize that some people did something, and then all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. You can’t just say that today someone is looking at me strange, that I am going to try to make myself look pleasant. You have to say that person is looking at me strange, I am not comfortable with it. I am going to talk to them and ask them why.


Omar also urged attendees to “raise hell” and “make people uncomfortable” to fight what she described as Muslim-Americans being treated as second class citizens following the deadly attacks.

Anonymous ID: 50f06c April 13, 2019, 7:15 p.m. No.6169941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Warplanes Strike ISIS Hideouts In Deir Ezzor Following Deadly Attack On Syrian Army Troops


In the late hours of April 12, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out several airstrikes on ISIS hideouts around the town of Huribishah in western Deir Ezzor, according to the Step News Agency.


The airstrikes were likely a response to a recent attack by the terrorist group’s cells on positions of the pro-government National Defense Forces (NDF). The local outlet Euphrates Post said that four NDF fighters were killed in the attack.


Last month, the NDF launched a combing operation around Huribishah and the town of Kobajjep. Both towns are located on an important highway linking the city center of Deir Ezzor with the historical city of Palmyra in the eastern Homs countryside.


Despite the operation success, ISIS cells continue to carry out attacks around the two towns. Local observers believe that these attacks are being launched from the last terrorist group stronghold in Syria, the Homs desert.


The vast desert, which lays between western Deir Ezzor and eastern Homs, is sheltering hundreds of ISIS fighters. A recent report even suggested that the terrorist group’s leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, may be hiding there.


The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have not moved to clear the desert yet, likely due to increasing tension around the governorate of Idlib in northern Syria.

Anonymous ID: 50f06c April 13, 2019, 7:22 p.m. No.6170032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rwandan Genocide Revisited: Impunity for War Criminals that Serve Western Interests


“Kagame is an example of an American supported leader whose crimes go unpunished because he is useful to them and because they are party to his crimes.


The Prosecutors of the ICTR have wasted 17 years protecting Kagame from his responsibility for the crimes he and his forces committed in Rwanda in 1994.” – Christopher Black, international criminal lawyer, counsel to complainants to the ICC Prosecutor regarding alleged crimes by Paul Kagame. [1]


On April 6 1994, the Presidents of Burundi and Rwanda were slain in a rocket attack on their plane. This incident triggered the 100 day killing spree now referred to as the Rwandan genocide. [2]


Twenty five years later, on Sunday April 7th , President Paul Kagame, in the presence of dignitaries from around the world, laid a wreath at the Gisozi genocide memorial site in Kigali at which over a quarter of a million victims of the massacre were buried. [3]


In his speech to the crowd, Kagame vowed his country would never repeat the mistakes of the past that led to the genocide:


“This history will not repeat. That is our firm commitment.” [4]


European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, present at the same ceremony, expressed similar sentiments:


“It is our generational duty to never forget what humankind is capable of. It is only by remembering that we can build a brighter future together.”[5]


In light of the violence that has ensued in Africa and around the world since those horrible months a quarter of a century ago, these pledges come across as no more binding and sincere than those taken by Al Pacino’s character Michael Corleone during the infamous Baptism scene from the 1972 movie The Godfather.


Significantly, a body of analysis and eyewitness testimony suggests that the standard account of the Rwandan genocide, painting the Hutu majority as the principal villains and the Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) as the saviours who ended the genocide, is a distortion of the truth. While not absolving the Hutu extremists of their crimes, an alternative interpretation holds that the RPF forces are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands themselves, including the two African presidents killed on April 6th. This is apart from the millions the RPF has had a role in killing in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the time since the genocide.


As this year’s Rwandan Week of Mourning comes to an official close, we take a look at some of the facts contradicting the official Rwanda narrative, and why it matters 25 years later.


Our first guest, Phil Taylor, worked as an investigator for the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda. In a 20 minute conversation, Taylor talks about why he believes the UN instituted body failed to prosecute Kagame and the RPF forces he led as credibly accused war criminals.

Anonymous ID: 50f06c April 13, 2019, 7:26 p.m. No.6170080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0337

Obama really was a Manchurian Candidate whose mission was to destroy the American economy.


“Yes, we can!”


How long will it take for the euphoric “Yes, we can!” chant of Obama voters to fall silent? In his book, “Obama ­The Postmodern Coup: The Making of a Manchurian Candidate”, Webster G. Tarpley argues that Barack Obama is a wholly owned puppet of Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Trilateral Commission which was founded by the Rockefeller illuminati crime family in 1973. Brzezinski, who served as Obama’s Presidential campaign advisor is Obama’s “ventriloquist and chief guru”, says Tarpley.


“The true program of the Obama administration is savage austerity, brutal economic sacrifice, and a massive further reduction in the standard of living of the depleted and exhausted US population.” Tarpley writes, “This will be done under left cover ­ through a global warming tax, a third world solidarity tax, and other demagogic frauds with revenue bailing out Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and JP Morgan Chase.” The puppeteers of this savage austerity program are David Rockefeller, Rothschild agent George Soros, Warren Buffet, Paul Volcker, Rahm Emmanuel and Obama’s Zionist bankster bros.


Conspiracy theory or conspiracy fact?


Richard Stone of writes, “Conspiracy theory is the theory that most of the world is secretly governed by a small group of men who operate behind the scenes. The term “conspiracy theory” is the weapon of choice for conservatives to debunk the conspiracy fact finders.


Who are the Illuminati? They are a conscienceless network of international bankers and industrialists based in Western Europe and North America. The original godfather of this global cartel was Mayer Rothschild (1743 – 1812). His male descendants commonly married first cousins or nieces to keep the family fortune all in the family. Since the middle ages, these families have built their power and fortune by lending money at loan shark interest rates to monarchies and governments. Instead of taxing the population to raise money which was an unpopular measure, the monarchs borrowed money from the money-lenders. This gave birth of the concept of “the national debt.”


The godfather of the Rockefeller illuminati crime family was John D.Rockefeller who made his fortune from Standard Oil or Esso in Ohio and Pennsylvania. He also controlled the railroads and blocked the road of his rivals by parking his trains across the roads at level crossings. His down and dirty business practices earned him a “cut throat” reputation. To counter his evil “public image”, he invented the PR industry and made short films of himself doing kindly deeds. His tactics succeeded in changing public opinion of him. The Rockerfellers currently have controlling interest in Exxon (the world’s biggest corporation) and the Chase Manhattan Bank (Federal Reserve) which turns over trillions of dollars a week.

Anonymous ID: 50f06c April 13, 2019, 7:31 p.m. No.6170158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0165

UK soccer fans seen chanting anti-Semitic song as FIFA urges crackdown on racism


Head of world soccer body says referees should call off matches in response to racist incidents; West Ham ‘disgusted’ by video showing abuse against Tottenham supporters


English Premier League soccer club West Ham said it will ban any fans who were filmed chanting anti-Semitic abuse ahead of a game at Manchester United, as the head of world soccer called for a major crackdown on racist abuse among fans.


The West Ham fans were filmed on a tram singing an anti-Semitic song about rival club Tottenham Hotspur, which has a large Jewish fan base. West Ham fans have gotten in trouble several times in the past for chanting anti-Semitic songs, including the one heard on the video posted Saturday.


West Ham said it was “disgusted” by the video, which was posted on Twitter by journalist Darren Richman.


Richman said it was filmed by his mother, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, in Manchester.


In a statement, West Ham said it is “taking immediate action to try to identify the offenders, whose details we will be handing over to the police and will be banned for life from London Stadium and from travelling with the club.”


The people are awake

Anonymous ID: 50f06c April 13, 2019, 7:35 p.m. No.6170201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0234 >>0521

A Honduran Asylum-Seeker Was Brutally Murdered After Being Deported — From Mexico


Terror raced through Teresa Gonzales as both the clarity of the message and the ambiguity of the threat hit her at once. “We have a present for you waiting outside,” read the text, which appeared on her daughter Rosa’s cellphone during Saturday worship. “Mom, they’re threatening me,” said Rosa, eyes wide.


Teresa, whose family members’ names have been changed for their protection, had gone to worship at her church in central Tegucigalpa, bringing Rosa, 16, along with her. Teresa — a short, sturdy woman with round cheeks and tightly curled, black hair — tried to attend service with her family on a daily basis. On this particularly muggy Saturday, however, her older daughter, Leti, had been busy at work when she was interrupted during prayer.


Adrenaline racing, she made a quick calculation. The gang had caught up to her — it was time to run. Gathering up Rosa, she fled straight from the crowd at the cavernous Baptist church onto a bus, and straight to a cousin’s home in a nearby town.


It wasn’t the first time Teresa had fled threats like this. The year before, Rosa had caught the attention of a local gang member. The young girl refused his advances and death threats quickly spread from Rosa to the entire family, leading them to go into hiding — hopping from one place to another, only having a moment’s peace during the short time it took for the gangs to find their location again; ultimately, they attempted to flee north toward the perceived safety of the United States. They weren’t the first to leave either. Two of her other daughters had already fled, one to Spain and the other to join her brother in the United States, where she had gained asylum.


But it was the first time that her daughter Leti had stayed behind.


Rest in link:


These caravans appear to be formed at gun point, this sends a clear message to those who do not make it!

Anonymous ID: 50f06c April 13, 2019, 7:39 p.m. No.6170246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0260

Canadian Regime Change Fanatics Scream of Russian Interference into Canada’s Elections


Canadian regime changers are now exposed.


On April 5 Canada’s foreign minister embodied the essence of hypocrisy by complaining loudly that Canada’s upcoming October 2019 elections were under threat by a regime change operation steered by Russia which was seeking to undermine the international democratic order.


In order to respond to the threat of foreign interference, the Minister of Global Affairs Canada announced the creation of a “democratic” five person body staffed entirely with unelected senior bureaucrats from the Privy Council Office under the control of the Clerk of the PCO which will act as a new Propaganda bureau to determine what Canadians are and are not allowed to know. This body will focus on social media and will interface closely with the head of Facebook Canada CEO Kevin Chan. She also announced the creation of a Security Threats Task Force which unites all intelligence agencies of Canada (RCMP, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Communications Security Establishment under the office of Global Affairs Canada. Lastly, the creation of a G7 Rapid Response Mechanism would be created in order to protect all of Canada’s G7 partners from similar “foreign meddling” and run out of Freeland’s Global Affairs Office.


Justin Trudeau, whose administration is collapsing under the weight of self-contradictions built into the green technocratic worldview that he was selected to advance, was quick to jump on this new narrative stating “it is very clearly that countries like Russia are behind a lot of the divisive campaigns.”


Canadian Regime Changers Exposed


Chrystia Freeland’s role as a regime change darling of the British Empire has been increasingly known since the Ukrainian Maidan. It was that British Empire that groomed her under a Rhodes scholarship at Oxford and groomed her for years as an agent controlling mass perception by her management of Reuters and Canada’s Globe and Mail before placing her in a controlling position of Justin Trudeau in 2013.


Her role in steering the vast networks of Canadian Banderites who have long grown in numbers and influence in Canada is as well-known as her friendship with leading Svoboda/Pravi Sektor leaders in Ukraine who were deployed to overthrow a legitimately elected pro-Russian government from Nov. 2013-Feb. 2014. Increasingly well known is her own family’s deeply rooted Nazi sympathies going back to her grandfather’s role in working directly with the Waffen-SS during the latter’s occupation of Ukraine.


When the Ukraine “color revolution” steered by the British-run Deep State (of which Freeland is a senior member) of failed to achieve its goal of de-stabilizing Russia, attention was turned to Venezuela where both Russia and China have invested tens of billions in infrastructure and whose government has been extremely favorable to cooperation on the Belt and Road initiative.

Anonymous ID: 50f06c April 13, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.6170397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0531

MMR Vaccine Approved After Only 42-Day-Trials In 1978, Per FDA FOIA Reports


Del Bigtree of High Wire filed FOIA requests with the U.S. FDA for the MMR vaccine trials results. What he got back is more than a shocker; it borders on criminal malfeasance and breach of fiduciary duty, basically. The trials for the MMR vaccine lasted only 42 days! Furthermore, those studies included a total of only 800 kids in 8 studies who, basically, decided the ‘efficacy’ of the MMR vaccine.


Are those 8 measly studies “science-based medicine”?


Here is a link to the study PDF .


This is undeniable proof the MMR vaccine studies in 1978 had proven the MMR vaccine has not been proven safe, nor effective in some children who contracted the measles during the trial. There are 215 pages!


ONLY 42-day MMR Vaccine Studies!

Shocking MMR vaccine trial results released — gastrointestinal & upper-respiratory illness reported


Print, save and give the PDF link to your pediatrician, family doctor, county health department and school districts. They now should know the real facts regarding the MMR vaccine’s efficacy and safety. The time for vaccine propaganda is up!