Turn off the fucking Jewish television. Then your confusion may clear up!
Mossad psyops are active as fuck now. The line now is how the mall of America guy was from the same constituency as Omar so disregard everything she says? This is irrelevant to what actually happened. Using innocen children doesn’t matter to these guys. They kill Palestinian kids all the time. They import these people. They use these people against you.
It’s a jewrat
>>6171752 lb
>What’s crazy is the part about attacking those they deem hateful isn’t what pisses me off the most. It’s threatening POTUS that has me the most upset
Then you’re wrong still. You SHOULD care
more about the regular every day people who they attack either directly or who’s minds are warped by their poison ‘rhetoric’ if you can even call their shit that. It’s completely destructive. Trump is going against them by choice, or so it seems. Save your pity for those out there who truly mean no harm yet get their realities tampered with by this sick fucks. And stop being so worshipful. You’re an American for fucks sake you don’t have any Kings.
Spotted the Mossad kike.