is his name dindu nuffin obama-son?
the one who flung the 5yr old from the 3rd story of Mall of America?
that nigger likes to incite sum peeps, yup fer shur - mooslim
is his name dindu nuffin obama-son?
the one who flung the 5yr old from the 3rd story of Mall of America?
that nigger likes to incite sum peeps, yup fer shur - mooslim
yup, Loser nigger DINDU
seeyou, fuk smelly cunt could bring down the net 10 days. cleanliness is next to holiness = SUCKS TO BE MUH JUH YOU
>>6172351 ←–
cbs deeply offended all AMERICANS
openly calling for the assassination of a sitting PRESIDENT
cbs needs to be held to the same standard AND TREASON charges applied
moooslims SAME - sum niggers do nigger things SAME - libtards SAME - (you are all satanic niggers) SAME - nigger-acting conservative SAME
the article and the memes were as stupid as the #demslublibtardniggerterrorizingrapingmooslimsatanistbabykillersguntheivingtraitors
and funny as shit - KEK
can't meme worth a shit
How many sunday news talking heads gonna bring this boy up tomorrow.
imagine watching the sleeper hold take its effect on the ds is good enough
sure would like to see them get flung off their glass tower perch - like some people who did something
projection digits - noice
becuz without your servers and talking points the only originality and wit you can come up with, is what you steal from here - DUMAS MORANS
You think as this shit is hitting their very own people - that they can get their heads out of their asses long enuf to stop talking about the dumbfuck immigrants they brought up here to destablize America and POTUS …
….to take care of their own?? As they scream, we won't take any help from Trump or his supporters. Playin out some scenarios for tomorrows news.