Dr. Joseph P Farrell has suspected someone's been mapping the Internet for a while for some take-down purpose. The article he cited has been scrubbed from the net, but he's quoted this from it:
Recently, some of the major companies that provide the basic infrastructure that makes the Internet work have seen an increase in DDoS attacks against them. Moreover, they have seen a certain profile of attacks. These attacks are significantly larger than the ones they’re used to seeing. They last longer. They’re more sophisticated. And they look like probing. One week, the attack would start at a particular level of attack and slowly ramp up before stopping. The next week, it would start at that higher point and continue. And so on, along those lines, as if the attacker were looking for the exact point of failure.
The attacks are also configured in such a way as to see what the company’s total defenses are.
Dr. Farrell's take:
DARKNET intrinsic to DS's hidden economy (drugs, human trafficking, money laundering, etc.)
Postulates the existence of a "Storm Shelter" emergency backup DARKNET for deepest DS core BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION (i.e., above the law, unaccountable, field propulsion tech, etc.)
In short, anyone mapping or reconnoitering the internet that most of us use, in planning for cyber attacks designed to take the whole thing down, would, perforce, have to have something in waiting to replace it: communication and the flow of information are too important in today's world to think otherwise. This raises the stakes of the apparent reconnoitering activity considerable, since the USA basically controls the internet, notwithstanding recent decisions to "turn it over to the UN" for the physical reality is that it will continue to do so until such time as a different system is completely substituted for it. For this reason I suspect, and suggest in my high octane cyber-speculation, that while Russia and China have and certainly are engaged in cyber warfare (along with the USA and just about every other power), the kind of attacks being suggested in this article exceed their ability to replace it with something else.
But for any group having access to what I have called "the storm shelter," it makes more sense, for such a system, or at least, major parts of it, could then be rolled out into a public form as a "solution" to cyber warfare and cyber attacks, and keeping its current controllers still in possession of their secrets. And to do that, the entire current structure, including those "Dark Nets", have to be reconnoitered, strong points and weak points mapped, and a campaign planned.
Sauce: https://gizadeathstar.com/2016/09/reconnoitering-the-internet/
Scrubbed cited article: https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2016/09/18/someone-is-learning-practicing-how-to-take-down-the-internet/