Anonymous ID: f5cdd7 April 14, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.6175034   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why can't we make it illegal to receive donations to run for office? Zero donors, No Pacs, remove the first corrupt layer of politics. We could set up a government paid fund to pay each candidate a certain amount. Everyone gets the same amount to work with. Like $200,000 for expenses in the primarys. And then $5,000,000 for each candidate that makes it past the primary. Any and all money to be accounted for and any moneys left at the end of any campaign must be returned to the fund. It would force candidates to really focus on what really matters, their views on the topics brought by the people.

There would be less TV ads about their opponents. Less smear campaigns. No money for it. We could make illegal to run ads against your opponents. Hold the media responsible for running the ads. Make the media focus on positive issues during elections. Make Not illegal to have an opinion just illegal to run an ad to say something negative about a candidate. Social media and memes are ok from private citizen but not from corporate accounts. You could put signs up in your private yard but no commercial property. Businesses should do business, not politics.


We could have more debates that include all candidates, not just the top 10. During the primary the candidates would really debate the issues the whole time because thats all they have money to do. We could even make an election channel on TV and on social media that is all debates all the time and the candidates can go on anytime to debate whoever's there. They cant pay for a bunch of ads for people to see them as celebrity. The only way to get known in the primary is by the debate channel. Then after the primary, The candidates could really travel around and throw rallys or speechs or whatever they feel is the best way to reach the people.


I know this doesnt fix the other broken half of the process but we are already working to fix that part to make sure all citizens get a vote.