Anonymous ID: 61af3f April 14, 2019, 10:52 a.m. No.6175720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5724 >>5843 >>6149


Many of the walkaway videos i have seen are really good, and are helping to wake up people on the other side.

I just took a quick look at Beanz twitter, many of her posts/things she tweeted many of us here would agree with.

We need as many people as possible spreading the truth.

I saw some of her videos oct/nov 2017 when Q started posting. She would read all of Q's post on her videos. Then people or maybe shills started attacking anyone who did videos about Q.

The people who lie, make shit up or are negative about Q are more than likely bad people paid to lie.

I never watched any more of her videos, or when she was super famefagging, kek

She seems somewhat untrusting, and many anons hate her.

I even made funny memes of her too, kek

So my feelings on her regarding being involved in this project is 50/50.

On one side her first vids i saw seemed truthful and her current twitter seems like she is on the right team( unlike jake, and ginger, scott and others who shit all over us)

So i have a little hope that she is a patriot.

But the other side many anons do not like her, and i've seen a few things since nov 2017, that makes me quite wary and skeptical of her.

And the not knowing when so many we thought were patriots, turned out not to be.

so i'm 50/50 on her involvement.

There are very few people on youtube who i really think are patriots, like Lional.

So i have no idea what many of the others who i don't trust say, because i do not watch their videos( no time, have better things to do like make memes)

But many of the so called truth tellers are really paid opposition who mislead people.