Anonymous ID: 7b95ac April 14, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.6175958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6058

PB has never rolled up his sleeves to work, EVER. What else could he be doing insrtead?


Update to the South Bend block party: It has grown significantly. I have NO idea why they told people to park so far, when all parking downtown should be free on weekends. There’s baseball parking, right across the street. Wtf.


Random streets blocked off, which divert hood traffic in the opposite direction, of the habbenings. Speculation of course. Most of the people walking around looked like ND kids. Was he gifted his audience? Also, any architect or symbolism masters wanna check out the buildings in SB/ND? I’m starting to feel like I’m in ghostbusters. Specifically a tympanum, by chance?