In this image Tracy looks like a dude. George with his flat forehead and beady eyes looks like a dudette.
Transpocalypse Continued. Madonna has been deceiving impressionable young girls into believing promiscuity, vulgarity, abortion and do what thou wilt are empowering for women. She also promoted the New World Order from the beginning, wearing an illuminati triangle and credo on her jacket.
Her (his) gig is up as his aging body rejects the ongoing use of estrogen and other drugs and his masculine God-given nature shows through.
Notice the adonis belt and straight body in the bikini shot, and the man hands in the bust shot.
Are you afraid of your "secret" getting out and ruining your massive money grabbing psyop? Too late people are waking up to the baphomet wanna be's trying to be dual gendered.
Tell your buddies you are failing big time and the only people they will continue to deceive are themselves.