Anonymous ID: e62c87 April 14, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.6175892   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6175344 (lb)

Yeah…been saying everything looks a little bit too neat and packaged! Mark the words…MARK THESE WORDS! Soon we will be given theater that offers tidbits of apparent "justice"!


"Peace" and "Safety" will, for a short time, saturate the MSM and our daily dialogue, then, widespread destruction will blanket our lives! I'm sure that here, in the U.S. our paradigm will be obliterated over night! The following morning, we will awaken to a Brave New World where Christians and conservatives will be tagged with a classification that is more abhorrent than psychotic muslims and drug cartel gangs that video themselves as they slaughter and behead people!


Anybody else believe the Oroville Dam is going to "fail"?


The next point is going to burn like sulfuric acid in many hearts and will highlight the real hatred towards Christians and conservatives that is about to violently boil over: The points are prophetic…Biblical prophecy! Christians and conservatives will be blamed for ALL the ills of the world…much like Pres. Trump is blamed for "global warming" and stubbed toes! Most people will dive headlong into the murderous hysteria against Christians and conservatives simply because they don't WANT to believe / accept The Truth about God! This board is a prime example…so many openly rave against issues such as abortion, but then explode with conniption fits when any suggestion is made to embrace greater morality by eliminating pornography…which a perfectly reasonable suggestion that can only enhance the efficiency and productivity of this site!


Self-worship is perhaps the nucleus that all evil germinates from! Interesting when people decry one form of evil but defend the evil they personally covet!


The lyric is so true…"…Dying of thirst, yet willing to die thirsty" …when pure water is within their grasp!


Many here, fighting for some levels of morality, will abandon all morality in order to save their own skin…even if it is for a few short years!


I hold onto hope and pray that President Trump IS a fulfillment of God ordained righteousness and judgment of evil…but critical thinking here has become a casualty!


Truth does not need to be defended! Truth stands on it's own accord! No thing, can ever move, much less destroy Truth! So why not examine all possibilities?