Anonymous ID: 327047 April 14, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.6177622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mask off for the left after disgusting string of tweets mocking Rep. Dan Crenshaw's war injuries

By Monica Showalter


For the far left, nothing is sacred when it comes to sticking up for anti-Semitic, 9/11 trivializing Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn).

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a decorated former Navy SEAL who suffered major injuries in the war on terror as a result of 9/11, had this to say about Omar's latest statement trivializing 9/11:


After that, the left spewed a string of ad hominem attack that can only be characterized as vile. According to the Washington Examiner:

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who was wounded in Afghanistan, was derided the left and accused of "playing the wounded victim" after he called for “deference” in discussions of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


Crenshaw, 35, who wears an eye patch after losing his right eye in Afghanistan, has received two Bronze Stars, including one with valor, the Purple Heart, and the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor.


He criticized Rep. Ilhan Omar this week for appearing to downplay the Sept. 11 attacks in a recent speech.


It gets worse. They called him some of the sickest epithets ever seen against a wounded war vet: ‘Captain shithead,' 'Nazi,' 'eyeless f–k,' according to the Examiner's headline.


And it wasn't just anonymous Internet trolls from Russia pretending to be leftists, it was real leftists we've already heard enough from as it is:


Talia Lavin, a New York University journalism professor who resignedfrom the New Yorker last year after she incorrectly identified a U.S. immigration agent as a Nazi sympathizer, slammed Crenshaw as “captain shithead” on Twitter. “The real victim, captain shithead, speaks,” wrote Lavin, linking to Crenshaw’s video.


Freelance writer Rob Rousseau wrote to Crenshaw, “You’re deliberately lying about what [Omar] said you eyeless fuck.” The comment appears to have been removed.


Other leftists were also named leftists, the 'Nazi' hurlers.


A look at Twitter since the Examiner piece ran shows that they are still at it, calling the war veteran 'fascist,' 'rotten,' 'stooge,' 'big phony' 'a cultist,' 'a murderer' (more than one of them), 'perniciously dishonest' and 'trying to make a name for himself' and other epithets, with one saying he 'shouldn't be there' and another saying he can 'eat shit.'


When we say 'rabid left,' this is what we mean by rabid left.


Two things leap out.

One, we've seen Crenshaw before, he's the guy who responded with magnaminity to the young actor on Saturday Night Live who originally made fun of his war wounds. He even helped the actor save face by appearing on a skit with him, a very funny one, which smoothed things over on the matter. The other thing he did was call the man up to comfort him when he attempted suicide. That is class, with a capital 'C.'


The other thing is that the left screamed to the high heavens when President Trump made some admitted ill-advised rude remarks about the distinguished war record of John McCain. Most of us can accept that a person can have a fine war record and still be a bad politician, or a politician we disagree with, which describes McCain to a 'T.' Sen. Tammy Duckworth is a Democratic politician with a fine war record and wretched political ideas, yet we don't see Republicans hurling abuse at her over her military service. Are there any Republicans out there calling her a 'murderer'? They sure as heck are hurling that at Crenshaw. Republicans, by contrast, thank Duckworth for her service and disagree with her on her politics. This called being an adult.


This screeching from the left about Crenshaw is bad politics – for the left. Hurling sick names at Crenshaw may make them feel better, but it turns off a lot of voters. It's the equivalent of hippies spitting on returning Vietnam War veterans at airports, something that has historically been infuriating enough to flip entire elections to Republicans - from Nixon to Reagan.


The left is once again showing its hippie-spitting face, and it's ugly. There are likely to be consequences.



  1. There is no tolerance from the left.

  2. It's going to get ugly when it goes down, expect some violence from the "party of tolerance" when their heroes topple.