Anonymous ID: 8bb545 April 14, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6177217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7250 >>7258

Sicarios Leave Threat Along With Body Executed in Border City


PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila - A team of gunmen left a narco-threat along with the body of a victim they had executed in this border city. The message is similar to others left before, where assassins with Los Zetas warn the population not to report on the cartel and not work with state authorities.

The killing took place this week in the border town of Piedras Negras, immediately south of Eagle Pass, Texas. The body of the victim was discovered on a vacant lot in the Tierra y Esperanza neighborhood, police sources told Breitbart News. The investigators documented the crime scene and revealed that the victim, Alfredo Vergara Aguirre, had been shot in the back of the head in a manner known as "coup de grace." Next to the body, the authorities found a card with a message that threatened the informants and other people who do not cooperate with the state police and investigators ministeriale. The message was signed by the Zeta faction known as the Northeast Cartel or CDN.


As Breitbart News reported, the CDN is the criminal organization led by the narco-terrorist Héctor Raúl "El Tory" Luna Luna, the same cartel leader who was behind the grenade attack in 2008 against the United States Consulate in Monterrey and the person in charge of ordering numerous beheadings and dismemberments in Tamaulipas, Nuevo León and Coahuila. The content of the message is identical to the one that was recently in Ciudad Acuña, south of Del Rio, Texas, where assassins left a human head next to a cardboard. The execution occurred almost at the same time that the authorities clashed with gunmen near the rural community of Hidalgo , just south of the border with Texas and west of the state line with Nuevo León, Breitbart News reported. While authorities claim there were no injuries, state officials had to reveal a series of clashes with convoys of hit men in other nearby communities.

Anonymous ID: 8bb545 April 14, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.6177250   🗄️.is 🔗kun


6 Cartel Operatives Killed in Shootout with Mexican Cops


Officers with the Federal Investigative Police killed six cartel operatives during an exchange of gunfire as the officers attempted to serve an arrest warrant in the border state of Sonora.


The deadly shootout occurred on Saturday at approximately 1:15 p.m. in Hermosillo, Sonora, when Federal Investigative Police (Agencia Ministerial de Investigación Criminal (AMIC) officers attempted to serve an arrest warrant on an individual nicked named “El Boina.” Officers found the suspect traveling in a convoy of three vehicles. An intense gun battle ensued when the officers blocked the convoy and immediately came under small arms fire from the individuals in the convoy.


The police repelled the attack and after a short gunfight, six cartel operatives lay dead around and in the vehicles according to police officials and reported in local media. Municipal police from the secretariat of Hermosillo also assisted the federal police during the confrontation.


After the gun battle, investigators recovered six handguns and one fragmentation grenade, according to a government spokesperson. Police personnel sustained no injuries during the violent encounter. Police also seized three vehicles in which the cartel operatives were traveling. The violence occurred on Boulevard Jesús García Morales — the main road leading to the airport in Hermosillo. The city is the state capital of Sonora which borders Arizona. Hermosillo is approximately 150 miles from the Arizona border.


Police identified one of the deceased cartel operatives as Cutberto “N,” also known as “El Boina.” Authorities said the suspect was wanted in connection with numerous murder and kidnapping related investigations. Police also identified Victor Daniel “N,” Luis Alberto “N,” Alejandro “N,” and two others who are yet to be identified. Police were aided with the identification of the cartel operatives by the presence of their known tattoos and personal identification in their possession, according to Breitbart law enforcement sources.


On Friday, a narcotics commander of the Agencia Ministerial de Investigación Criminal (AMIC), Aarón Guadalupe Arbayo Acuña, 45, was laid to rest in Hermosillo after having been gunned down by cartel operatives in the city on Tuesday. Gunmen murdered the commander while he traveled in the northern section of Hermosillo in Colonia Solidaridad. The cartel operatives intercepted the narcotics unit commander with at least two vehicles occupied by gunmen. According to witnesses, the gunmen blocked the path of his vehicle and at least two men dismounted and opened fire, striking the commander’s truck with dozens of rounds as reported by Breitbart News.

Anonymous ID: 8bb545 April 14, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6177300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7356 >>7462

Had to double check to be sure this (CUK) was true!

The Plan seems to be forcing MPs to show their true colours!


More Pro-EU Conservative MPs Defect to CUK Party, Tories Sinking in Polls


The Conservative Party has been hit by more defections this weekend in another major blow to the party.


Two former Tory MPs, Stephen Dorrell and Neil Carmichael, have said they are leaving the Conservative Party in order to join the ultra-europhile splinter party Change UK (CUK), formed by eight Labour and three Conservative MPs who had left their former parties over issues including anti-Semitism in Labour and their handling of Brexit.

Anonymous ID: 8bb545 April 14, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.6177356   🗄️.is 🔗kun


CUK Party!


Independent Group of defecting MPs appoints Heidi Allen as leader and registers to be a full-blown party called Change UK so it can stand candidates in EU elections


The Independent Group has submitted its application to be a full-blown party

Once approved, it will be known as Change UK and able to stand candidates

The move has been made ahead of possible EU elections at the end of May

There are also persistent rumours of a snap general election over Brexit chaos

Anonymous ID: 8bb545 April 14, 2019, 2:26 p.m. No.6177545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7627

Fox's Wallace not 'comfortable' playing full 9/11 video tweeted by Trump


Fox News' Chris Wallace said Sunday that he was not "comfortable" playing the entirety of a video President Trump tweeted Friday showing scenes from the 9/11 terrorist attack combined with remarks from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.).

Wallace began playing the video before cutting it off.

“Now, that was the only five seconds we felt comfortable showing,” Wallace told White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. “It goes on in a much worse way, of her seeming, no question about it, to minimize 9/11, and then horrible images from 9/11.”

“Why is the president comfortable putting out horrible images like that,” Wallace asked. “Does he worry at all about inciting violence against Muslims in general, or Ilhan Omar in specific?”


"Certainly nothing could be further from the truth,” Sanders responded. "The president is not trying to incite violence against anybody."