Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.6177104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Assange War on Ecuador: Is Assange an Agent of the Deep State?


Editor’s note: It is our assertion that Julian Assange is and has been an agent of the Deep State in combination with Israel, the Murdoch empire and world Bolshevism. We believe this after years of study. What the hell do we know?


Let’s look at Lenin Moreno, the Ecuadorian monster who sits in bed and eats lobster all day, according to Julian Assange. The photo below was released by order of Assange while living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Do note that Israel is trying to remove Moreno from office and put a puppet in his place as they did in Brazil and India.


What’s wrong with this photo? Well, to begin with, Lenin Moreno is a paraplegic. He is eating “in bed” because, on some days, he is physically incapable of getting around at all from pain. Let’s go further and look at his meal, a small salad and not lobster but langastinos. A langastino is of the species Pleuroncodes monodon, an unmarketable crustacean that inhabits the Pacific coast of Central America south to Ecuador. It is a standard meal of the poor, the equivalent of eating Aldi hot dogs.


The fake press, of course, carefully censored the fact that what Moreno is eating costs $3 per kilo at the local fish market and turned this into one of those $5k lunches Trump and Netanyahu regularly scarf down at taxpayer expense, which is why Netanyahu now faces prison. From Ecuador:


Interior Minister confirms cyberattacks; institutional mail and municipal web, affected


The Minister of the Interior, María Paula Romo (, confirmed in her Twitter account that there have been several cyber attacks in recent days, following the completion of the asylum of Julian Assange and subsequent detention.


“Despite having suffered cyber attacks in recent days, no page of the central government, nor of key sectors of the private world, is intervened or taken out of the air,” he wrote.


“They have managed to intervene an institutional mail and a page of a municipality,” said the official, without mentioning which municipality is affected.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.6177115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7131 >>7264 >>7402

Tell Congress: The Golan Heights does not belong to Israel!



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been pressuring the U.S. to support Israel's illegal annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights. Accordingly, President Trump has announced that the U.S. will now recognize this as Israeli territory, and some Republican Congressmen have introduced legislation that would make it law.


Please contact your representatives by filling out the form below. Tell them to oppose House of Representatives bill H.R. 1372 and Senate bill S.567


This pandering legislation would recognize an Israeli action that violates international law.


• The House of Representatives' bill is "H.R.1372 - To clarify that it is United States policy to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights."


It is sponsored by Wisconsin Republican Mike Gallagher and has 43 co-sponsors; all Republicans. It has been referred to committees.


• The Senate bill is S.567 - A bill clarifying that it is United States policy to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights


It is sponsored by Ted Cruz (R-TX) and has 7 cosponsors, all Republicans.


Both bills have been referred to committee. By immediately telling your representatives to oppose this legislation, you show politicians that we're aware of this effort and will work to oppose it!


BACKGROUND: Israel has been occupying the Golan Heights ever since its 1967 war against Syria and Egypt.


Before the Israeli occupation, the Golan Heights was filled with villages. Now much of it is empty. This is because in the ensuing years Israel undertook a policy of demolishing these villages and depopulating the area. It has also moved in some Israeli settlers.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6177122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7469 >>7801

Sudan's Military Council Retires Defence Chief, Envoys to US and Switzerland


Sudan's military council announced a number of measures in reforming the country after the Sudanese army ousted President Omar Bashir, who had ruled the country for 30 years, amid months-long anti-government protests.


Sudan's military council announced a number of measures for reforming the country. In particular, they stated that they would form a committee to take over the former governing party's assets. The council has also promised to release all army and police officers who participated in the protests.


Moreover, the council has refused to participate in the country's transitional government, explaining that they should wait for elections.


They have also declared that they have restructured the country's intelligence and security service, appointing General Abu Bakr as the new intelligence head. Apart from this, the council stated that they had retired the country's Defence Minister Awad Ibn Auf, as well as the ambassadors to Washington and Geneva.


Earlier in the day, the Central Bank of Sudan on Sunday froze accounts of all government bodies, dissolved by the country's newly established ruling transitional military council, the bank said in a statement.


"Based on the decision of the military council, we decided to freeze all accounts of government bodies dissolved by the council [the parliament, presidential office, state authorities and so on]" the statement obtained by Sputnik said.


Prior to that, the deputy head of the Sudanese transitional military council, Mohamed Hamdan Daqlu, held a meeting with US charge d'affaires ad interim in Khartoum Steven Koutsis at the presidential palace, according to the council's statement, obtained by Sputnik.


During the meeting, Daqlu briefed the US diplomat on the situation in the country and the reasons for the establishment of the transitional council. The deputy head of the council also discussed with Koutsis what steps could be taken to ensure security and stability in Sudan.


"The charge d'affaires ad interim, in turn, has welcomed the role of the military council in establishing stability and assured [the council's deputy head] of the need to continue cooperation between the two parties", the statement added.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6177137   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US and Israel Nightmare Scenario: Iraq, Syria, Iran Restart Their Strategic Cooperation Projects


Syria, Iran and Iraq are to continue their project on connecting their railway systems into one, Syrian outlet al Watan reported.


“Now, the countries are working on the resumption of the project connecting the railways of Syria, Iran and Iraq and are determining the date of the meeting between the representatives of the countries to develop the points of view”, an anonymous source at the Syrian Ministry of Transport said.


A date was set for a trilateral meeting, since the project was an important strategic point, that was stopped during the war in Syria.


The aim of the project was to provide Iraq and Iran with access to Syrian ports. Before the outbreak of the war in 2011, Syria had completed 97% of the project, but large portions of the railway system were destroyed during the clashes.


Furthermore, there is a current project to link Iran and Iraq through Basra and Syria would like to also join in.


There is an agreement between Syria and Iraq to connect the railways between the two countries through the Altnif and now the countries are seeking to evaluate the project through a meeting to assess the possibility of re-employment and the status of government agencies in the three countries When the project is clarified, then a final decision can be made. The project could also take up to 4 years.


Al Watan also reported that there were understandings with the Chinese side to be a partner in this project, which will be parallel to the Belt and Road Initiative, which is planned to be completed for the benefit of several countries, including Syria, Iraq, Iran, China, Pakistan among others.


In the context of the Iraqi Ministry of Transport, there will be talks on linking Skaki between Iran, Iraq and Syria.


In a statement issued on the sidelines of the meeting of the joint committee between Iraq and Syria in Damascus, Talab al-Husseini said that “in the light of the guidance of the Iraqi Transport Minister Abdullah al-Aybi in the field of transport and the importance of rail links between the two countries during the Akashat- – Khnevis coordination by the Iraqi, Iranian and Syrian sides to hold a trilateral meeting to discuss the possibility of implementing the rail link between the three countries to complement what was agreed at the bilateral meeting held on July 5, 2014, where it was stressed to move forward to strengthen bilateral relations And improve the level of economic, commercial, scientific and technical cooperation in all sectors.”

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.6177157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump and “America Last” Policy in the Middle East


Brian Hook, the United States Special Representative for Iran, in an Opinion published in the New York Times, raises the question that: “Isn’t it time to abandon the policies that have kept the people of Iran and the United States apart since 1979?” In this paper, he tries to rationalize and legitimize Trump’s irrational and illegitimate policies against Iran, such as withdrawal from JCPOA, imposing maximum pressures and sanctions against Iranian people, and even preventing their access to humanitarian aids- contrary to the US international commitments- when many people are suffering from the most devastating flood in recent history.


Developing a fabricated narrative and expecting everyone to believe it, not only doesn’t contribute to understanding the problem but also is misleading for those who have constructed it and naturally leads to self-deception and costly mistakes in foreign policy. That’s exactly what has happened in the US foreign policy toward the Middle East during the past four decades and the Trump administration is prolonging it another decade.


Image on the right: Mohammad Mosaddegh in court, 8 November 1953 (Source: Wikimedia Commons)


Both Iran and the US should abandon the policies that have kept the people of Iran and the US apart. However, Iran-US problems did not begin in 1979 but with the 1953 military coup against the democratic government of Mohammad Mossadeq. Before that, Iranians had a positive image of the US since the constitutional revolution in Iran (1905-11).


If the military coup had not happened, there would not have been a revolution in 1979. Even, Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of the Iranian revolution was emphasizing on reform not a revolution for a long time. It was the US support for a corrupted and inefficient dictatorship that made the revolution inevitable.


In the Middle East, we have been experiencing lose-lose conflicts for decades. The Iraqi war (1980-88) [Iran-Iraq] supported by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the US, imposed 200,000 casualties, 700,000 injured, and one trillion dollars of costs on Iran. Two years later, Saddam attacked its main supporters, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.


To get rid of their self-created threat, Saudis invited the US to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait in 1990 and since then the US has been constantly engaged in the Middle East conflicts. Israel intensified their efforts against Iran mostly after the collapse of the Soviet Union and Iraqi defeat, since the early 1990s, with dual containment and ILSA sanctions. They were concerned with losing their strategic importance in Washington and tried to construct a new “common enemy”.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.6177168   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pepsi Plans to Project a Giant Ad in the Night Sky Using Cubesats


Orbital Billboard


A Russian company called StartRocket says it’s going to launch a cluster of cubesats into space that will act as an “orbital billboard,” projecting enormous advertisements into the night sky like artificial constellations. And its first client, it says, will be PepsiCo — which will use the system to promote a “campaign against stereotypes and unjustified prejudices against gamers” on behalf of an energy drink called Adrenaline Rush.


Yeah, the project sounds like an elaborate prank. But Russian PepsiCo spokesperson Olga Mangova confirmed to Futurism that the collaboration is real.


“We believe in StartRocket potential,” she wrote in an email. “Orbital billboards are the revolution on the market of communications. That’s why on behalf of Adrenaline Rush — PepsiCo Russia energy non-alcoholic drink, which is brand innovator, and supports everything new, and non-standard — we agreed on this partnership.”




Futurism first reported on StartRocket back in January, when the company announced plans to project huge ads into the night sky using cubesats with Mylar sails that’ll reflect sunlight back down to Earth during the twilight of early morning or evening.


“We are ruled by brands and events,” project leader Vlad Sitnikov told Futurism at the time. “The Super Bowl, Coca Cola, Brexit, the Olympics, Mercedes, FIFA, Supreme and the Mexican wall. The economy is the blood system of society. Entertainment and advertising are at its heart.”


The idea prompted strong backlash among Futurism readers, who objected to the idea of invading the nighttime sky with ads.


“This startup made an AI read every dystopian fiction novel and is turning its cursed ramblings into business plans,” wrote one. Another said that “shooting down those ads should be legal.”


Researchers were also concerned by the idea.


“Launching art projects like this with no commercial, scientific, or national security value seems unwise,” University of Michigan astronomy professor Patrick Seitzer told Astronomy.


Now, StartRocket claims to have tested the technology with a helium balloon that launched one of its reflectors into the stratosphere — where it was visible from the ground.


“An hour and a half after the launch we concluded that the test was successful,” Sitnikov said.


StartRocket plans to launch the system into orbit in 2021. It’s currently raising funds, it says — and a $20,000 investment will buy eight hours of advertising in the night sky.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.6177248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7358

Video: Collateral Murder in Iraq Released by Wikileaks


Wikileaks has obtained and decrypted this previously unreleased video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007.


It shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a public square in Eastern Baghdad. They are apparently assumed to be insurgents.


After the initial shooting, an unarmed group of adults and children in a minivan arrives on the scene and attempts to transport the wounded. They are fired upon as well. The official statement on this incident initially listed all adults as insurgents and claimed the US military did not know how the deaths ocurred.


Wikileaks released this video with transcripts and a package of supporting documents on April 5th 2010 on

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.6177262   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Egypt Pulled Out Of U.S. Efforts To Form “Arab NATO” To Combat Iran: Reports


Egypt pulled out of US and Saudi Arabia’s effort to form an anti-Iranian “Arab NATO,” Israeli media reported citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter.


The country told the US and other participants in the Middle East Security Alliance, or MESA ahead of a meeting on April 7th in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


One of the anonymous sources said Cairo did not send a delegation to the meeting, the latest gathering held to advance the U.S.-led effort to bind Sunni Muslim Arab allies into a security, political and economic pact to counter Shi’ite Iran.


An Arab source also said that this came as a disappointment:


“We all want Egypt to be a part of an Arab NATO,” said the source, “especially as it has the largest army of any Arab nation, and because it carries importance.”


The reasons behind the decision, according to the sources, is that Egypt doesn’t wish to harm its relations with Iran, as well as it doesn’t believe that US President Donald Trump would be elected for a second term. If Trump is gone that jeopardizes the entire “Arab NATO” idea since the next POTUS may decide not to follow through.


On April 9th, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi visited the US and met with Donald Trump. Trump said that they spoke of security issues, but the Arab NATO nor Iran were mentioned in the press conference following the meeting.


Both leaders praised the warm relations between the countries, which could presumably be spoiled if the reports of Egypt giving up efforts are true.


In addition to the US and Saudi Arabia, the MESA proposed participants include the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and Jordan.


Two anonymous sources also told Al Jazeera that the project would be moving forward and that Egypt would be pressured into not revoking its membership. The project was initially proposed by Saudi Arabia in 2017, and was perpetuated by US President Donald Trump.


The aim of the Trump administration with the project is to form a a new security body comprising Sunni Middle Eastern countries that would be geared toward countering Shiite Iran’s ‘regional adventurism’. Reportedly, MESA member-states would seek deeper cooperation in the realms of missile defense, military training and counter-terrorism, while strengthening broader political and economic ties.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6177297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7409


You're missing the point. I believe this is a ploy to stop any criticism of Israel by putting any issue related to Israeli crimes with the crooked left. They complain about Gaza Golan and people are polarized against the left so cannot support what's right.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.6177321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP Lawmakers Propose Bill to Separate Chicago From Illinois


SPRINGFIELD, Ill.—Legislation proposing the separation of Chicago from Illinois is intended to spark discussion about the overarching influence of the city in state politics, not actually lead to the creation of the 51st state, according to a central Illinois lawmaker who sponsored the measure.


GOP state Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer, the bill’s sponsor, said the proposal would urge U.S. Congress to make the nation’s third-largest city its own state, the State Journal-Register reported.


“It’s more of a frustration of the policies than the true belief that Chicago and Illinois would be better off as separate states,” Davidsmeyer said. “I don’t believe that Chicago and the state of Illinois should be separated. Our relationship is mutually beneficial.”


Chicago needs to recognize how its policies impact rural Illinois, Davidsmeyer added.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.6177354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7365 >>7438 >>7557 >>7801

The Pete Buttigieg Psyop: A Cultural Marxist Conspiracy of Dastardly Proportions


You know this op is serious when the Drudge Report gives it so much space. Now read the exposé below the screenshot to understand why.


Here’s the Democrat’s secret weapon to steal the 2020 POTUS election


The New World Order globalist cabal goes all out to destroy the American Republic.


Can you imagine the American people electing a gay male POTUS who lives in the White House with a “First Man”?


Just when you thought things could not get any crazier in 2019, along comes the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who is married to a man, and who is running for the President of the United States of America in 2020.


SOTN Editor’s Note: A while back we were reading another shockingly stupid piece at the premier organ of propaganda and disinformation of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media — The Washington Post — about Democrat candidate Beto O’Rourke. Reading the comments posted under the article, however, one would have thought the absurd puff piece about Beto was about another obscure Democrat candidate—Pete Buttigieg. Really, how does that happen except by purposeful design—cultural marxist design?! Every other comment was literally extolling the liberal godhood of this mayor of South Bend; some even calling him the ‘only hope’ against the invincible Donald Trump.



Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.6177365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7557 >>7801



Of course, Buttigieg’s Wikipedia page (see graphic above) is full of all kinds of clues that point to his serious grounding in globalism. Not only did he graduate from liberal Harvard University, he did his globalist training as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford just like Bill Clinton. It’s also important to note that BOTH of his parents were professors at Notre Dame University, a breeding ground for all sorts of globalist power-players in the USA and abroad.


By the way, who doesn’t know by now that McKinsey and Company is a major C.I.A. contractor that’s deeply involved in all types of sordid psyops and white collar black ops? Not only that, but this 37-year-old greenhorn also did his tour of duty in Afghanistan after being commissioned as a Naval Intelligence Officer. Why would any officer but a globalist-in-training one ever participate in such a patently illegal and unprovoked war of aggression?


KEY POINT: Really, what 37-year-old wakes up one day and decides to run for POTUS? Exactly, they don’t, especially in out-of-control 2019. Unless, of course, they are programmed (via Tavistock) and ordered to by their C.I.A. handlers to run. This whole choreographed Democrat wacko-drama is yet another British attempt to surreptitiously take over the POTUS by stealth just like they did with Obama. Hence, we are witnessing the latest real conspiracy associated with CROWNGATE: THE GREATEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY IN U.S. HISTORY.



Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6177384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This April 15, Don’t Fall for the Right’s Favorite Lie About Taxes


If you listen to Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council in the Trump White House, or Trump Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or Karl Rove, or former GOP Speaker of the House John Boehner, or 2012 Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, or Gretchen Carlson, or the Wall Street Journal, or Bloomberg News, or the Tax Foundation, or the Heritage Foundation, or Fox, or Fox, or Fox, or just any elderly white relatives who forward you chain emails, you’ve probably encountered statistics like this:


• The top 1 percent of American earners pay almost 40 percent of all federal income taxes. That’s more than the bottom 90 percent pay combined!


• The top 20 percent of Americans pay almost 90 percent of all federal income taxes.


• The bottom 50 percent of Americans pay just 3 percent of federal income taxes. That’s less than the top 0.001 percent — just 1,400 taxpayers or so — who pay a bit over 3 percent of all federal income taxes.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 2:10 p.m. No.6177405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7416 >>7552

Lloyds of London Fears EMF 5G – EXCLUDES Coverage! — Electromagnetic Pollution Will Kill You, NOT COVERED BY INSURANCE — Sierra Club Opposes


Alert Reader writes:


How curious that Lloyds of London has excluded from their policies any negative health effects caused by wi-fi technologies. Now, WHY would Lloyds leave all that money on the table if these technologies are so safe? And, why are other insurance companies following Lloyds’ lead?


If you think that following-the-money provides insights, you’ll probably conclude that something VERY BIG is embedded in this decision.


Here’s some background (including links):


The FCC and other government regulatory bodies, in collusion with the big telecomm industries, are ferociously pushing smart meters, 5G and the Internet of Things.


This roll-out is not only happening in the US, but all over the world. The giant telecomms gush enthusiastically about how EVERYTHING will be connected


OMG!! We’re gonna have Incredibly high-speed connectivity so your little girls and teens can, at supersonic speed, upload pix of their latest nail-polish jobs or cute puppy videos to FaceBook, Pinterest, etc., etc., for theirr friends to gasp and giggle…..and, of course, click “like” and forward these to their friends…. again, all at warp speed.


It’s pretty clear that this whole “play” by the giant telecomms is seen by them as a financial windfall – for them. And, via their lobby groups, it’s seen as a windfall for all the politicians who support this agenda. Politicians will be rewarded in the usual manner – pricey junkets to exotic places, elegant dinners, campaign contributions and, of course, cushy “golden parachute” jobs for those wi-fi supportive ex-politicians within the telecomm industries, or within their lobby groups. In short, crony business as usual.


BUT WAIT!! ….There’s a tiny but growing wrinkle in this rosy scenario of sugar plums dancing in the heads of these telecomm leaders. Specifically, Lloyds of London, one of the world’s premier insurance groups, is refusing to insure health claims made against wireless technologies. And, other insurance companies are following Lloyd’s lead in this.


If you follow the money, this is HUGE. After all, if these wi-fi techno-toys are so safe, why is Lloyds leaving all this additional money on the table?


Well, Lloyd’s November 2010 Risk Assessment Team’s Report gives us a solid clue: the report compares these wireless technologies with asbestos, in that the early research on asbestos was “inconclusive” and only later did it become obvious to anyone paying attention that asbestos causes cancer.


Keep in mind that Lloyd’s Risk Assessment study of wi-fi was published over 8 years ago. Even back then, however, their Risk Assessment Team was smart enough to realize that new evidence just might emerge showing that the various wi-fi frequencies do cause illness. The result? Lloyds opted to exclude coverage for wi-fi related illnesses.


And then, PG&E followed close on, slipping in its own legal clauses (just as it was rolling out smart meters) that claim no liability for wi-fi related health damage. The schools who opt to put in wi-fi are responsible, according to PG&E, and any other organizations that opt to have PG&E put wi-fi in their buildings are the responsible parties


Today, MANY more recent peer-reviewed scientific studies show a range of serious damage caused by these wi-fi frequencies. 5G brings a quantum leap in damage – to DNA, to cell mitochondria, and much more.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.6177466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7473


both Truman show for the all seeing eye artificial construct and Matrix for the we are being farmed as a crop of slaves to build and for energy for the beast.


Thing now is there is no need for 7-8 billion of us as they now have the technology to plug us in and extracts adrenochrome and other life force from us so they are in process of setting up matrix style farms and killing off the population.

Anonymous ID: b12fb8 April 14, 2019, 2:26 p.m. No.6177541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon's are being counted on to post truth and expose the cabal


EU = Cabal

Zionists state of Israel = Cabal

Deep State in US = Cabal

Governments WW = Cabal (Look at New Zealand if you want proof of this)

Puppet Masters = Cabal = bloodline families

Avoid group think, when everyone is telling you to look there look in the other direction.

Find Jesus.


God Wins.