Solid proof Nipsey was a product of the Glow Niggers.
Solid proof Nipsey was a product of the Glow Niggers.
>No, I am a parrot
I don't recall anyone playing it straight and answering TardedAss with
"Why yes, I am human - why do you ask?"
Ever seen that happen and if so what's the response???
>Golf center stage for who the fuck knows why.
The biggest golf event of the year won by one of the all-time most popular golfers maybe?
Buttplug's hubby looks even gayer than he does.
He's a threat to win the Dim nom - coffeehouse libdtards love him.
It's the best solution, but also the most frustrating when you don't know the level of control the patriots have nor the specifics behind why it's being done a certain way.
The Constitution is pretty kick ass when it's actually enforced correctly.
Poor fella.
We all know this faggot has obviously read every book ever written.
Now what's he going to do to pass time while in prison?
Wait, don't answer that.
Yeah, kinda.
But, then again, it could be like that hipster who objected to being in that "they all look the same meme" that turned out not to be him.