Anonymous ID: 09ef4e April 14, 2019, 3:11 p.m. No.6178011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8100

Veterans Advice for New Eyes:

muh_joos = shill

muh_evilmasons = shill

muh_flat_dick = shill

muh_cre[e]pbot = shill

muh_brainwash = muh_critical_thinking = muh_AI = muh_biden = muh_cat/CTA = shill

muh_ever_moving_standards = shill


In fact, because of the War Drumbeat nature of the more constant shills like cre[e]pbot, your habits and behaviours are being written for you. You'll think what they want you to think when they want you to think, ''then post rampantly about spoopy mind surveillance.

Insidious is the social engineer.


They all share the same network resources.

They get off deceiving (You).


Sunshine's the best disinfectant, eh~