1) Why was the arrest of Alwaleed and others important?
How is Alwaleed and BO tied to HUMA?
Why did Alwaleed finance BO pre-political days?
Why did Alwaleed finance BO pre-political days?
What is HUMA? Define.
What book was BO caught reading?
Why was this immediately disregarded as false?
What is ‘Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria’?
Why is this relevant?
Why would the President of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA be reading this book?
What church did BO attend as pre-POTUS?
Who was BO’s mentor?
How is Alwaleed and HRC connected?
Who was HRC’s mentor?
How is Alwaleed and Bush Sr./Jr. connected?
What occurred post 9-11?
What war did we enter into?
What was the purpose and disclosures given re: justification?
Who financed 9-11?
Why, recently, are classified 9-11 pages being released?
What just occurred in SA?
What FOIA docs are being publicly released (recently)?
Why is this relevant?
What information is contained within these c-releases?
Why is C Wray important with regards to these releases?
What does money laundering mean?
What is the single biggest event that can generate many nation states to payout billions?
Who audits where the money goes?
$15,000 for a toothbrush?
Why did we attack Iraq?
Who are they?
What do they specialize in?
What is oil field service?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘senior’ level political officials are affiliated w/ Halliburton?
What is the primary goal?
What is the primary mode of influence that drives corruption?
What does money buy?
How is this connected to SA?
How is this connected to Alwaleed?
How is this connected to LV?
2) Has intel been shared w/ our enemies in an effort to warn them against capture/kill?
How long did it take to locate/kill UBL?
How many times did we locate UBL in the past and stand down orders were given?
Why did the WH put itself in the middle of every OP?
Why did POTUS immediately remove the WH from the CoC military engagement equation?
How has POTUS been able to essentially destroy ISIS within the 1st year of his Presidency but HUSSEIN could not throughout entire term?
What is JB's background?
Muslim by faith?
What is Hussein's background?
Muslim by faith?
What is VJ's background?
Muslim by faith?
Why was the Hussein admin breaking down admin by faith?
Why was the PUBLIC sheltered re: ISIS for so long?
Why was AL-Q deemed the primary adversary vs ISIS?
Do you believe US intel did not 'know' UBL's son was a prominent figure in AL-Q?
If known, no 'live' intel or geo-t to target?
Define C_A regional assets.
Operation Cyclone>Mujahideen/Afghanistan
>>Aiding anti-Soviet resistance
>>Withdrawal of Soviet troops
Control of $800mm+?
Control of weapons?
Control of training?
>>Afghan Arabs>>Haqqani + Hekmatyar
>>UBL [CRITICAL] Allies?
Haqqani + Hekmatyar relations w/ C_A (in_country)?
Dark to LIGHT.
Ilhan Omar
Verified account @IlhanMN
Apr 12
“The people — and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!” President George W. Bush
Was Bush downplaying the terrorist attack?
What if he was a Muslim 🤔