Anonymous ID: 84b392 April 14, 2019, 4:19 p.m. No.6178705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8801 >>8806 >>8926 >>8979 >>9062 >>9109 >>9170 >>9276 >>9335 >>9353

Laguna Beach Police Cars Blasted As ‘Too Aggressive’ Over Patriotic Paint Job


The Laguna Beach Police Department debuted seven newly-painted patrol cars to mixed reviews. The American flag design was lauded by some as patriotic, but others argued that it might be seen as “too aggressive.” “We have such an amazing community of artists here, and I thought the aesthetic didn’t really represent our community,” local artist Carrie Woodburn stood up during a March 19 council meeting, saying that “it was shocking to see the boldness” of the final design. “It feels very aggressive.” Chris Prelitz, a local designer, claimed that the cars only really felt “aggressive” when there were several in the same location. He described a scene outside a restaurant where parents and small children were scattering. The inspiration for their fear? Several of the new police cars in the same location. “There was like a little panic going on, and I was like, What’s happening?'” he told the Los Angeles Times. “When one of them’s there, it works. But all of a sudden, I saw, wow, when there are three, maybe four of them together, folks thought it was a SWAT team, federal agents. So it had a very striking, strong impact, so much so that I think there might be some unintended consequences.” City Councilman and art gallery owner Peter Blake called outrage over the vehicles “ridiculous,” saying, “People are screaming that the American flag on a police car is somehow or another … hurting people’s feelings who might be immigrants or visitors.”


Laguna Beach Police Employees Assn. President Ryan Hotchkiss said that members of the department loved the new design and hoped to keep it — and added that the public response, in his experience, had all been positive. “Every time I came to a stop sign, every time I came to a red light, somebody is telling me the car looks great,” he said. City Manager John Pietig, who admitted that the final design was somewhat bolder in color than the one the council originally approved, said that it would be reconsidered “out of an abundance of caution to address questions that have been raised.”

Anonymous ID: 84b392 April 14, 2019, 4:26 p.m. No.6178784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8801 >>8979 >>9062 >>9170 >>9276 >>9353

6 Cartel Operatives Killed in Shootout with Mexican Cops


Officers with the Federal Investigative Police killed six cartel operatives during an exchange of gunfire as the officers attempted to serve an arrest warrant in the border state of Sonora. The deadly shootout occurred on Saturday at approximately 1:15 p.m. in Hermosillo, Sonora, when Federal Investigative Police (Agencia Ministerial de Investigación Criminal (AMIC) officers attempted to serve an arrest warrant on an individual nicked named “El Boina.” Officers found the suspect traveling in a convoy of three vehicles. An intense gun battle ensued when the officers blocked the convoy and immediately came under small arms fire from the individuals in the convoy.


The police repelled the attack and after a short gunfight, six cartel operatives lay dead around and in the vehicles according to police officials and reported in local media. Municipal police from the secretariat of Hermosillo also assisted the federal police during the confrontation. After the gun battle, investigators recovered six handguns and one fragmentation grenade, according to a government spokesperson. Police personnel sustained no injuries during the violent encounter. Police also seized three vehicles in which the cartel operatives were traveling. The violence occurred on Boulevard Jesús García Morales — the main road leading to the airport in Hermosillo. The city is the state capital of Sonora which borders Arizona. Hermosillo is approximately 150 miles from the Arizona border.


Police identified one of the deceased cartel operatives as Cutberto “N,” also known as “El Boina.” Authorities said the suspect was wanted in connection with numerous murder and kidnapping related investigations. Police also identified Victor Daniel “N,” Luis Alberto “N,” Alejandro “N,” and two others who are yet to be identified. Police were aided with the identification of the cartel operatives by the presence of their known tattoos and personal identification in their possession, according to Breitbart law enforcement sources.


On Friday, a narcotics commander of the Agencia Ministerial de Investigación Criminal (AMIC), Aarón Guadalupe Arbayo Acuña, 45, was laid to rest in Hermosillo after having been gunned down by cartel operatives in the city on Tuesday. Gunmen murdered the commander while he traveled in the northern section of Hermosillo in Colonia Solidaridad. The cartel operatives intercepted the narcotics unit commander with at least two vehicles occupied by gunmen. According to witnesses, the gunmen blocked the path of his vehicle and at least two men dismounted and opened fire, striking the commander’s truck with dozens of rounds as reported by Breitbart News.

Anonymous ID: 84b392 April 14, 2019, 4:38 p.m. No.6178927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8950 >>8958 >>8974 >>8979 >>9062 >>9144 >>9170 >>9276 >>9321 >>9353

CBS Drama ‘The Good Fight’ Tweet with ’Assassinate Trump’ Sparks Calls for Secret Service Investigation


CBS crime drama The Good Fight tweeted an image on Friday from a recent episode, entitled, “The One Where Diane Joins the Resistance.” The image showed a character pointing to a list of “target words” that included the phrases “Assassinate President Trump” and “Eliminate Mar-a-Lago.” The tweet, which has since been deleted, sparked backlash among Twitter users, many of whom reported CBS to the Secret Service.


The official CBS Twitter account for The Good Fight asked viewers if they had noticed any “Easter eggs” within the “target words” from the Mach episode. “Hmmm… some of those target words look a little familiar. Did you catch any easter eggs in this scene from The One Where Diane Joins The Resistance? #TheGoodFight” tweeted the account on Friday.


The image garnered widespread backlash among Twitter users, who then reported the tweet to the Secret Service. “Threatening the President of the United States is a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making ‘any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President’” said one Twitter user in a reply to the CBS account.


“@SecretService, please investigate this assassination threat against President Trump,” tweeted conservative activist Scott Presler. “Yes, @CBS this is despicable to run subliminal messages encouraging the assassination of the president @realDonaldTrump,” tweeted a third user, “I hope @SecretService investigates @thegoodfight thoroughly.”


In the episode from which the image in the CBS tweet is derived, the show’s character Diane “is encouraged to ‘do something’ after meeting the leader of a female resistance group whose aim is to sink POTUS’ approval rating,” according to the episode’s synopsis. “Diane, she just used five target words in one sentence,” one of the NSA researchers listening to Diane’s call says to another researcher before pointing to a list of target words. The camera pans over to the list, which reads in part: “Assassinate”, “President”, “Trump”

“Trump, die, fake news, resistance, Pizza Gate,” the NSA researcher says, citing the “red target words” that Diane had said over the phone in the previous scene. “Wow, that is like domestic terrorism Bingo,” the other NSA researcher replies.


Diane, played by actress Christine Baranski, had been on the phone with a former Obama White House opposition research operative who convened a group of women (The Resistance) committed to dragging down President Trump’s approval rating to 33 percent, an approval so low that he apparently could never be reelected with. Last year, the CBS drama came under fire after one of its characters suggested assassinating the president.

Anonymous ID: 84b392 April 14, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.6179293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9353

Senate IT Office Hit With ‘Housecleaning’ in Hassan Aide Scandal


WASHINGTON—Senate sergeant-at-arms officials have conducted a “general housecleaning” that resulted in “massive personnel changes” in the upper chamber’s information technology and cybersecurity systems staff, The Epoch Times has learned. “There’s been massive personnel changes over there,” said a Senate source with knowledge of the situation who requested anonymity. “The new people are a lot more strict and putting on a lot more rules and restrictions. They have just been tightening down a lot since then.”


Among those who have left is John Clayton Porter. He was branch manager for information assurance–cybersecurity from March 2017 until earlier this month, according to LegiStorm. He was paid $88,628 annually at the time of his departure, according to Senate records. The sergeant-at-arms (SAA) office declined to discuss Porter or personnel changes that have been implemented in his former office. A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also declined to comment. The staff and rules changes come in the wake of a guilty plea entered in federal court April 5 by Jackson Cosko, a former information technology aide to Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) and Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas). Mannal Haddad, press secretary for the House Administration Committee, which oversees the House computer networks, declined to comment when asked by The Epoch Times about Cosko and whether new cybersecurity measures were implemented as a result of the case.


Cosko admitted guilt in the pleading to two counts of making public restricted private information in October 2018 about McConnell, and other senators, including Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah). Cosko also admitted guilt to one count each of computer fraud, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice. Prior to agreeing to the plea, Cosko faced as many as 11 separate felony counts. The case was heard in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and was first reported by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Luke Rosiak.


Cosko’s offenses commenced after he was terminated from Hassan’s staff in May 2018 for reasons the New Hampshire senator has refused to make public. He then obtained the position on the House side with Jackson-Lee, and during the following months, with the assistance of a second person, gained access to at least six computers in Hassan’s office. “Beginning no later than July 2018 and continuing until October 2018, the defendant engaged in an extensive computer fraud and data theft scheme that he carried out by repeatedly burglarizing Senator Hassan’s office,” prosecutors said in Cosko’s April 5 pleading. “The defendant engaged in an extraordinarily extensive data-theft scheme, copying entire network drives, sorting and organizing sensitive data, and exploring ways to use that data to his benefit.”


Cosko became angry at the Republican senators in October 2018, according to prosecutors, while watching the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearing for Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Cosko used Wikipedia to make public the senators’ home addresses, credit card data, and health information. He was able to gain access to the Hassan office computers by placing an unobtrusive keystroke logging device on them. The Wikipedia entries by Cosko were investigated by the U.S Capitol Police, which tracked them to the former Hassan aide, according to the government’s Oct. 3, 2018, criminal complaint. When Cosko was observed in Hassan’s office by another aide after his termination, prosecutors said, he wrote the aide a threatening email, stating: “If you tell anyone, I will leak it all. Emails, signal conversations, gmails. Senators’ children’s health information and socials.”