Anonymous ID: c38e2d April 14, 2019, 4:21 p.m. No.6178730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8760 >>9099 >>9181

>>6177841 (pb)

>>6177943 (pb)

>>6178554 (pb)

>>6178505 (pb)

>>6178568 (pb)


Looks like our Leaders are giving us the GO on 9/11. Starting with….




Also, Anons NEED to investigate Beverly Eckert, Colgan Air Flight 3407, and WHO was on that flight, remembering what Q told us, that 7/10 plane crashes are PURPOSEFUL.


Also, for Anons not "In The Know" (And Anons, there is ENDLESS amounts to know, so don't get emotional and feel like you SHOULD know or whatever, give Mockingbird their due, like the other Anon said, the KEY here is getting normies ready, Hooah?!) You should get up to speed on ALL of that, and also


#1. DJT videos Pre-911 and the day of and after. LISTEN TO THE MAN. Go to the source in this case.


#2. Look into the "Punished Trump" concept (Fact to me) and WHY that might matter with 9/11.


#3. Dig on Beverly Eckert, Her husband, and any possible relation between THEM and DJT & The Trumps.


#4. Look into Colgan's flight log, and check out the Lady from Rwanda who was coming up against our fri-ends, the clintons.


#5. If memory serves, Anons came up with at least 4, if not 5, potential targets on Colgan #3407 that will help build your 40K view on this.


That's just a start, but it's the basics that I stand on in this case, although of course the WHOLE DAMNED MASSACRE is nothing but a tribute to the highest levels of greed and evil.







Anonymous ID: c38e2d April 14, 2019, 4:28 p.m. No.6178802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8810 >>8834




I love a great comeback story. I wish I could have watched. Man, EVERYTHING POTUS touches turns back or into Gold.


This should NOT have habeened. Tiger's body was so shot, and he lost everything in his life. I was never a fan of HIS, although, I watched him like a hawk from '91 on, I mean, he IS the greatest Talent we have ever seen on a golf course. This is awesome.


Congratulations Tiger!!!!!!!! America & Golf & The World are BETTER when YOU are at your BEST.


But isn't that True for ALL of Us????


Anonymous ID: c38e2d April 14, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.6178828   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agreed Anon!!


I can't believe how many times I nearly died or was ready to go. And I would have missed all of this. Unreal. Glad I hung on and kept scrapping until POTUS arrived.



Anonymous ID: c38e2d April 14, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.6178908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8971




Look at golf and how it's setup. 4 days, you are at the COMPLETE mercy of the elements (Your leading competition might get a perfectly clear and warm AM round, while you get rain and 30+ MPH winds) and you are up against ALL of the best in the WORLD for tons of $$$ and titles and glory. And at the end of the day, the % difference between WINNING and 5th is what…..less than 1%??


All the other sports are bracketed. The Eastern Conference Finals in the NBA was REALLY the show from about 1988-1998, as the teams in the West couldn't hang with even the 3 seeds, and in Tennis and other sports, you have to beat what, 5-9 people along the way??


Golf is THE hardest sport to WIN at. Many of the best players any of us would ever see have never won a title of any kind, much less a major. This is a HUGE Boost in Morale for Tiger & America and POTUS, who JUST CALLED this a few months ago, and it sounded OUT THERE, if you ask me.


Trump Wins Again
