Mathematicus ID: 074b44 "Some People Did Something" April 14, 2019, 6:25 p.m. No.6180097   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Some people did something". (Omar) Omar is a crackpot, but the evidence speaks for itself. The 5 Dancing [Mossad-related] Israelis: "Our purpose was to document the event [9/11]." Why don't we ask the 5 Dancing Israelis who did it, since, by their own admission, they knew in advance that 9/11 would occur. If Israel is such a good ally, why didn't Israel warn the USA?


While we are at it, why don't we also ask Netanyahu how he magically predicted the "event" 6 YEARS IN ADVANCE? "I wrote a book in 1995, and I said that if the West doesn't wake up to the suicidal nature of militant Islam, the next thing you will see is militant Islam bringing down the World Trade Center." (CNN, 2006)


Then, let’s ask Former Italian President & Prime Minister Francesco Consiga about his statement: "All the intelligence services of America and Europe know well that the disastrous attack [9/11] has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq and Afghanistan.” (Corriere della Sera, 2007)