Anonymous ID: 702bfa April 14, 2019, 5:57 p.m. No.6179817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0013 >>0118


There's really no other way to look at it, anon.


There came a point - at the founding of InQTel, when they deployed assets to take down the established security apparatus of the US gov and replace it with a communist/fascist set up - Public Private partnership.


Snowden took out NSA,

Assange threatened State Department (mainly)

Manning - military & corporate competitors

Schwartz - scientific establishment, "open information"

and there are others, of course. Sean Parker - did you know that he and Zuckerberg both run bio-tech foundations now?

Parker from Napster. Parker who was recruited by CIA as a teen. Parker who now runs platforms which help activists connect.


Was John Perry Barlow the handler of some of these people? I've yet to puzzle it all together.


This public-private partnership set up allowed private industry to bamboozle the government and have access to all state secrets, which they then could do with what they wanted. And they have.