Anonymous ID: 7926ec April 14, 2019, 5:29 p.m. No.6179450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9700 >>9917 >>0078 >>0124

Mark Meadows Expects Criminal Referrals In DOJ Watchdog’s Report


North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows said Sunday that he expects the Justice Department’s inspector general to issue criminal referrals as part of an investigation into the FBI’s possible abuse of the surveillance courts during the Trump-Russia probe.


“We’re fully anticipating that the [inspector general’s] report will come out as Attorney General Barr said in the next four to six weeks, and I think it’s highly likely that we’ll see criminal referrals coming from them that will correspond with what Chairman [Devin] Nunes has already put forth,” Meadows said in an interview on Fox’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”


Attorney General William Barr told Congress on Tuesday that he expects Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, to issue a report in late May or June. On March 28, 2018, Horowitz opened an investigation into whether the FBI and Justice Department complied with legal requirements to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


Meadows, a close ally of President Trump’s, said that he and Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan met earlier this week with Horowitz. Both have expressed confidence in Horowitz’s work, and have heightened expectations that the investigation will be favorable to Republicans.


Meadows said that he believes that Horowitz’s report will also focus on FBI leaks to the media. The Republican claimed to have seen evidence that the bureau would leak information to the press and then use those stories to justify additional investigations.


“So what we would find is people within the Department of Justice, primarily the FBI, would actually give information to the media, then those reports would actually come out and they would say ‘wow, we have these reports now,’ and then they would take the actual reports and use those as the probable cause to do a further investigation,” Meadows told Fox host Maria Bartiromo.


“It was a big circular reasoning … you’ll see all of that come out, I believe, when inspector general’s report comes out.”


Horowitz is also examining the FBI and Justice Department’s communications with Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier that the FBI relied on to obtain the Page FISAs.


Republicans have alleged that the FBI failed to verify the dossier before using it to obtain the FISAs. They also claim that the FBI failed to disclose that Steele was working for the DNC and Clinton campaign in the FISA applications.


Horowitz is also investigating the FBI’s use of confidential informants in the Trump-Russia probe. The New York Times reported earlier this week that Horowitz is scrutinizing Stefan Halper, a former Cambridge University professor who made contact with several Trump campaign advisers while working as an FBI informant.

Anonymous ID: 7926ec April 14, 2019, 5:42 p.m. No.6179590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q seems every time we have downtime with social media outlets they are upgrading algos and more truth is hidden, you wanna confirm?

Anonymous ID: 7926ec April 14, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.6179637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9654

WTH? Ecuador releases Photos of Two Dirty Dishes and Spotlessly Clean Bathroom — Media Claims Julian Assange Had a ‘Fetid Lair’


The Daily Mail has published Ecuadorian surveillance photos of Julian Assange inside their embassy in London and claimed it is proof that the WikiLeaks founder was living in a “fetid lair.” The only problem is that the photos show a spotlessly clean bathroom and two dirty plates in the sink.


The photos also show Assange cooking a pizza on a clean counter — which the media is somehow using as “proof” that he is some kind of animal.


The photos reveal a cleaner living situation than most of the journalists in DC — my home included.


That didn’t stop the Daily Mail from making the absurd claim that the “full scale of disgusting personal hygiene, arrogance and paranoia that brought Julian Assange’s seven years holed up in an embassy to an end can be revealed today.”


The photos reveal a cleaner living situation than most of the journalists in DC — my home included.


That didn’t stop the Daily Mail from making the absurd claim that the “full scale of disgusting personal hygiene, arrogance and paranoia that brought Julian Assange’s seven years holed up in an embassy to an end can be revealed today.”


Ecuador’s UK Ambassador Jaime Marchan, who locked this journalist in a room at the embassy for an hour and a half on March 25 as he got into an intense verbal exchange with Assange, absurdly claimed without push back from the “reporter” that “when Assange wanted to be unpleasant he put excrement on the walls and underwear with excrement in the lavatory. We had to remind him to flush the toilet and clean the dishes. He had to be reminded of normal standards of behaviour all the time. He would always leave the cooker on.”


As someone who knows Assange, and has seen his personal hygiene on several occasions, this could not possibly seem more far-fetched.


The Mail did not include any mention of Assange’s testimony from October, in which he called out the fact that he is being ruthlessly attacked in the media and cannot defend himself as Ecuador denigrates his character. This left him vulnerable to lies and campaigns to make him appear unsympathetic.


While I was in London in the week prior to Assange’s arrest, I exclusively obtained a copy of his testimony before the Ecuadorian courts where he was fighting the gag he was placed under by Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno in March 2018. He told the court, “due to my isolation, I have not been able to participate in the debates occurring around me and that has resulted in a climate of libel and fake news that might be expected for someone who has been in the business of exposing very large and very powerful corrupt organisations or organisations that abuse human rights.”

Anonymous ID: 7926ec April 14, 2019, 5:47 p.m. No.6179667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9696 >>9700 >>9917 >>0078 >>0124

5G Smart Cows Are Being Milked by Robots in England


5G-connected cows and a robotic milking system could revolutionize farms in England, reported Reuters.


On a dairy farm in Shepton Mallet, England, 50 cows have been outfitted with 5G smart collars and ear tag sensors that monitor their health.


The smart collars communicate with a robotic milking system. When the cows are ready to be milked, the machine will latch onto the animal’s teats.


The machines observe the cow’s health, production, and even rewards them with munchies. Meanwhile, sensors on the cow’s ear monitor vital signs for indications of discomfort during the milking process and alert operators of trouble.

Anonymous ID: 7926ec April 14, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.6179731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9917 >>0078 >>0124

Julian Assange Is Guilty Of Only One Thing: Revealing The Evil Soul Of US Imperialism


Julian Assange was bundled away by British police after Lenin Moreno, the president of Ecuador, gave the green light for the expulsion of the Wikileaks publisher from the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Assange's arrest represents an abuse of power, highlighting not only how true journalism has now been banished in the West, but also how politicians, journalists, news agencies and think-tanks collude with each other to silence people like Julian Assange and his Wikileaks foundation who are a nuisance to US imperialism.


Assange is “guilty” of two “cardinal sins”:


Revealing US war crimes committed in Iraq and;


Committing the unpardonable sin of publishing the emails of Clinton, Podesta and the Democratic National Committee, thereby revealing such chicanery in US domestic politics as the fraud committed against Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primaries.


These revelations among the many (Vault 7, Torture, Diplomatic cablograms), by Assange’s Wikileaks, these transgressions in the eyes of the US ruling elite, struck at the very foundations on which the edifice of “American exceptionalism” is built, namely, the democracy that is meant to be a light unto the world, and the “just wars” that flow from a missionary zeal to make the world safe for democracy. The media and politicians accordingly crow about the “beautiful missiles” and other high-tech weaponry that will be employed in the ensuing humanitarian interventions, while omitting to mention that the military-industrial complex that benefits so much from endless wars may be the very donors who fund the warmongering politicians into office, and that the warmongering editorial line of newspapers may be influenced by share portfolios of the editors themselves.


Releasing footage of US military personal laughing as they slaughter dozens of clearly unarmed Iraqis civilians from the distant safety of an Apache helicopter is one of the strongest ways of showing how false, artificial and propagandistic the concept of “humanitarian war” and “responsibility to protect” (R2P) is.

Anonymous ID: 7926ec April 14, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.6179758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cher: Los Angeles ‘Can’t Take Care of Its Own, How Can It Take Care of’ More Immigrants


Pop icon Cher said Sunday that Los Angeles, California, “can’t take care of its own” residents, much less newly arrived illegal and legal immigrants.


Cher said she failed to understand how the city of Los Angeles in the sanctuary state of California could afford to admit and take care of any more immigrants when city officials have failed to care for homeless, veterans, and poverty-stricken Americans.

Anonymous ID: 7926ec April 14, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.6179795   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Attacks will increase

Anonymous ID: 7926ec April 14, 2019, 6 p.m. No.6179856   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fallen angels serpent seed.


The bloodlines are the remaining nephlim who are normal sized now as they bred with women.


They hate us and want to destroy us as we are God's creation.


They want to kill and destroy all God's creations so they can start over free of God.

Anonymous ID: 7926ec April 14, 2019, 6:15 p.m. No.6180005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0183

Democratic proposals to overhaul health care: A 2020 primer


About 20 million Americans have gained coverage under ObamaCare since it was passed in 2010, but nearly 9 percent — 30 million people — still don’t have health insurance.


All Democrats running for president say they want to provide universal health care coverage to Americans. But they have different ideas about how to get there.


Here are the plans they keep talking about on the campaign trail and what they would do.



Medicare for All


Sponsors: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has offered a plan in the Senate, and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) has introduced similar legislation in the House.


Who supports it: Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) have all sponsored the Medicare for All bills in the House and Senate. South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg said he wants to work toward such a system.


What it would do: Of all the plans to expand Medicare, Sanders’s is the most ambitious.


Over a four-year period, it would transform Medicare, the nation’s health care program for those over 65, into a single-payer system that provides comprehensive health care coverage, including dental, vision and long-term care, to all Americans under one plan.


It also would eliminate most other federal health programs, such as Medicaid, but keep the Indian Health Service and the Veterans Health Administration, though those could eventually be eliminated as well.


This would mean an end to private insurance plans as we know them, including those offered by employers and the plans people can buy individually, such as those sold on the ObamaCare marketplaces.


That’s because under this proposal, private insurance companies would actually be banned from selling plans that cover the same services.


This is a sticking point for Democrats, many of whom are wary of getting rid of a multibillion-dollar industry that covers 67 percent of the population.


But that’s precisely the point, says Sanders, who argues that health care costs have skyrocketed because insurance companies are motivated by profits and not patients’ health.


"The current debate over Medicare for All has nothing to do with health care; it has everything to do with greed and profiteering," Sanders said this week.


How'd that work out last time again?