Anonymous ID: d6444a April 14, 2019, 5:50 p.m. No.6179707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9719 >>9739 >>9747 >>9754



Evil Ilhan Omar Equates US Armed Forces To Al-Qaeda And Hezbollah In Video!


A recently discovered video shows dangerous @IlhanMN mocking Americans for their anxiety about al-Qaeda, & shockingly equating US armed forces to al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.

How much longer will this agent of division & wickedness be allowed to trumpet her terrible tales?

Anonymous ID: d6444a April 14, 2019, 5:55 p.m. No.6179790   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Pope’s possible successor says mass migration is in reality an INVASION and will lead to the extinction of Europe if not stopped!


Robert Sarah, an African cardinal who serves as the head of the Vatican’s liturgy office, is often named in traditionalist circles as their hope to one day succeed Pope Francis.

Those who seek to use the Bible to promote migration are pushing a “false” interpretation of the scriptures, Cardinal Sarah said in a new interview with French publication Valeurs Actuelles.

He also branded mass migration a “new form of slavery”.

The cardinal has frequently made waves with his more conservative stances on liturgical practices, Islam, migration and other issues.

Those positions were on full display in the French article, in which Sarah, from Guinea, blasted priests and bishops who “say fuzzy things, vague, imprecise, to escape criticism, and they marry the stupid evolution of the world”.

On Europe, Sarah said that the Church should not cooperate with the increasing acceptance by politicians of mass migration into the traditionally Christian continent.

“All migrants who arrive in Europe are penniless, without work, without dignity… This is what the Church wants?” he asked.

“The Church can not cooperate with this new form of slavery that has become mass migration. If the West continues in this fatal way, there is a great risk that, due to a lack of birth, it will disappear, invaded by foreigners, just as Rome has been invaded by barbarians.”

“My country is predominantly Muslim. I think I know what reality I’m talking about”, he added.

Sarah’s comments are in stark contrast to those from Pope Francis on the subject. Francis has repeatedly stressed the value of migration and has encouraged European countries, in particular, to open their border to flows of migrants coming from the third world.

Last week, he spoke in Morocco, the main destination for sub-Saharan African migrants seeking to reach Europe via Spain, and frequently mentioned migration.

“The issue of migration will never be resolved by raising barriers, fomenting fear of others or denying assistance to those who legitimately aspire to a better life for themselves and their families”, Francis said.

Sarah is much more skeptical of whether the Church should be open to immigration.

He cited the example of Poland, a Catholic country that has strict immigration policies, and said he had urged it not to sacrifice its Polish and Catholic identities “on the altar of a technocratic and stateless Europe”.

“She is free to tell Europe that everyone was created by God to be placed in a specific place, with its culture, traditions, and history”, he told the paper. “This current desire to globalize the world by suppressing nations, specificities, is pure madness.”

In the interview, he urged Europe to avoid embracing materialism and forgetting its Christian heritage, warning that it could lead to the extinction of Europe itself.

“If Europe disappears, and with it the invaluable values of the old continent, Islam will invade the world”, Sarah said. “And we will totally change culture, anthropology, and moral vision.”


Bet this comment will go down well with commie-globalist antichrist Francis hey anons?

Anonymous ID: d6444a April 14, 2019, 5:57 p.m. No.6179809   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SAUCE! sorry baker.

Anonymous ID: d6444a April 14, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.6180083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0124



Secretive meeting on US ‘military option’ in Venezuela reveals key figures of invasion push – report.


A hawkish US think tank has hosted a secretive meeting on Venezuela, bringing together American and South American officials to discuss the “use of military force” in the country, investigative journalist Max Blumenthal told RT.

The exclusive piece shedding some light on the secretive gathering was published by the Grayzone portal on Saturday. Blumenthal has obtained a check-in list of a private roundtable dubbed ‘Assessing the Use of Military Force in Venezuela,’ which was hosted by the DC-based think tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).


The roundtable was held on April 10, yet its check-list was misleadingly dated as April 20. The fact the meeting had actually taken place was confirmed to Blumenthal by its participants, whom he has reached for comment. They were not very eager to talk, though.

We talked about military… uh… military options in Venezuela. That was earlier this week though,” research associate at CSIS’s Americas Program Sarah Baumunk said. She promptly grew nervous, adding that she didn’t “feel comfortable answering these questions” and hung up on the journalist.


Another listed attendee, a research associate with international strategy firm Hills & Company, Santiago Herdoiza, simply said it was a “closed meeting” without providing any details.


“They were extremely nervous that somebody in the media knew about the existence of this event. It was a very high-level meeting with basically the main people in Washington involved in making the sausage of Trump’s Venezuela policy and they wanted to keep it as private as possible,” Blumenthal told RT on Sunday. “It really does show that military options are being seriously considered at this point, after all other mechanisms that Trump has put into play seem to have failed.”


The list of participants is surely impressive – the roundtable has brought together former and incumbent military and civil officials from the US and South America, representatives of USAID and Organization of American States (OAS) as well as analysts from various think tanks. Several figureheads ‘appointed’ by the self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido were also in attendance.