Anonymous ID: 655d0e April 14, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.6180371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0405 >>0678



I've got mixed feelings on Assange. It's beyond question that he has called attention to many Deep State\Cabal crimes, but I'm not sure of his motivations. Was he or Wikileaks paid money to do what they did? Are Julian's sheets clean? Would he sell us (Americans) out for the right price?


All I'm certain of is that I don't know enough to form a concrete opinion on him. I like the "White Wizard" image we've conjured up, but based on a few things I've read, I worry that Julian may not be a white hat, necessarily. Maybe a grey hat, or two-tone like a cop car?


Pic related: some of my favorite white hats.

Anonymous ID: 655d0e April 14, 2019, 7:42 p.m. No.6180827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0841



It's compelling simply because despite that it's so outlandish, its adherents have created some evidence points that are compelling to the uneducated who desperately desire to get one over on the "scientists" and others who they view as hoity-toity liars.


FE Adherents never engage with you on points they can't disprove or evidence that crashes a bus into their theory. Instead, they cherry-pick discussions that let them run amok with baseless conjecture and what-ifs that turn into must-bes.

Anonymous ID: 655d0e April 14, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.6180900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0926



How do flat-earthers explain the meniscus?


Just kidding, I don't expect any flat-earthers to know what a meniscus is.




Looks like the pilot will be fine! As they say, "any one you can walk away from!"




I enjoy reading about it for the same reason. It's very possible that our conception of the form and\or nature of the Earth is wrong. I just don't believe it's flat, based on my own observations of the world around me (climb a very tall mountain and spend a few hours looking at the horizons, for example).


My thought is that it's possible the Earth is a lot bigger than we've been taught (3-5 times the diameter) and therefore contains "hidden" land whose existence is concealed by the elite. But that's just a theory, not a belief.